
The Cemetery

Raziel (vo): There had to be a way to escape the spirit world, without the help my master was pleased to deny me. Only in the material realm would I have a chance to seek my destiny – or change it.

Atravesando el cementerio, Raziel entra en una cámara en la cual descubre algo…

Raziel (vo): In this crypt, I discovered ethereal gascs:01:37:39;4cs:01:37:39;4es rising from the moldering corpse within. As I neared, I felt a distinct spiritual pull - and the closer I approached, the more that pull intensified…

Raziel usa el cadaver para entrar en el Reino Físico…

Raziel (vo): In the end, it was not difficult. I projected myself down into that tomb and found myself reborn into the material world. It was a loathsome vessel - but with an effort of will, that too could change.

En la misma habitación, hay una puerta vigilada por dos centinelas…

Raziel (vo): These gargoyles quickened as I drew near, triggering the door to close. I would need to find some means of approaching the door without being observed.

Saliendo de la cámara por donde entra al Mundo Físico, Raziel encuentra un grupo de cazadores de vampiros…

Cazador: – she says she won’t go near the place.

Cazadora: I tell you the Pillars are haunted.

Cazador: Haunted!

Cazadora: I heard a woman’s voice, talking and moaning – and there was no one there.

Cazador: How many vampires have you killed? And you can’t face down one ghost?

Raziel (vo): I knew who these were: vampire hunters, scouring the countryside, destroying what had once been my kind.

Cazadora: My god – what is that? A vampire? Or a demon?

Cazador: Where?

Raziel: Here.

Cazadora: Get him!

Cazador: Quickly! No mercy!

Tras acabar con todos ellos…

Raziel (vo): These were Moebius’s hunters - mercenaries enlisted in his crusade to exterminate the vampires. His insignia was unmistakable…

But this meant I’d been captive in the underworld for centuries. I had lost five hundred years.

Then I knew what ghost it was that haunted the Pillars – Ariel, the specter of the murdered Balance Guardian. Perhaps she could provide the answers I sought. But first I would have to find a way out of this cemetery…

Caminando por el cementerio, Raziel encuentra dos antiguas fraguas para la Segadora…

Raziel (vo): This temple’s facade hinted at some ancient Vampire origin - for it bore the sign of the Reaver, and was marked with the elemental symbol of Light. The mystery of the Reaver might be answered within… but this edifice was too high for me to reach.

Raziel (vo): Another temple, this one marked with the elemental symbol of Darkness. This edifice, like the other one, was too high for me to reach.

Raziel encuentra la salida del cementerio, cerrada y protegida por dos faros…

Raziel (vo): An ancient gate, sealed by the powers of Light and Darkness, barred the way to the Pillars beyond. To depart this place and continue my journey, I would have to find the means to open it.

Si intenta activar estos faros…

Raziel (vo): The Reaver did not seem to activate this orb. I had to find the means to enhance the blade further.

De vuelta a la cámara que le dió acceso al cementerio…

Hylden 1: Raziel…

Hylden 2: Raziel…

Hylden 1: Fallen hero…

Hylden 3: Renegade and traitor…

Raziel: What is this? How do you know me?

Hylden 1: Raziel, what are you?

Hylden 4: Why should any know your name?

Hylden 2: You are nothing…

Raziel (vo): It seemed my method of entering the physical realm was not altogether original. But where had these beings come from?

Raziel, tras desembarazarse de todos ellos, accede a un lugar del cementerio…

Raziel (vo): This edifice, marked with the elemental Light symbol, was clearly much older than the ruins in the rest of the cemetery.

The door was far too high to reach. And to open it, it seemed the Reaver would need to be imbued with the power of Darkness. Clearly I had more to accomplish before I could discover what lay within.

Raziel consigue entrar en la primera fragua y experimenta por primera vez el viaje dimensional a éstas…

Raziel (vo): As I stepped through, I felt a sense of displacement, as some arcane sorcery transported me away.

This was clearly some ancient ruin of the Vampire civilization. Perhaps here I would finally decipher the riddle of my destiny.

Raziel (vo): Throughout these ruins I found murals depicting the seminal events of Vampire history. These scenes commemorated a great war between the Ancient Vampires and their rivals.

In triumph, they banished their adversaries from the world, and raised the Pillars as the lock that binds them. The image of the Reaver was inscribed throughout this place, always depicted with reverence.

The Vampires’ holy weapon was destined to be borne by their prophesied hero, for whom it was forged. But if this was my destiny, why had the Reaver tried to consume me?

Raziel encuentra un mural que narra el nombramiento de los guardianes…

Raziel (vo): This scene depicted the appointment of the original Vampire guardians. Each summoned to serve when the Pillars were raised. Each Guardian is aligned to the principal of the Pillar he serves, and the Balance Guardian is the axis of them all.

Raziel forja la espada con Oscuridad…

Raziel (vo): At last it was done: the Reaver was forged with Darkness. As I felt this new power coursing within the wraith blade, I knew that now the Light temple would open to me.

Una vez que regresa al cementerio, Raziel entra en otra de las muchas cámaras…

Raziel (vo): Against all odds, I had stumbled into Kain’s own mausoleum. This seemed an unlikely coincidence…

Después y con la Segadora de la Oscuridad, Raziel tiene acceso al santuario de la Luz…

Raziel (vo): Again I experienced that odd sense of displacement, as I was transported to the Vampire ruin once more… But this chamber was different than the first.

Aquí también encuentra murales que describen la historia de los vampiros…

Raziel (vo): In their defeat, the Vampires’ enemy retaliated with a terrible curse – afflicting the Vampires with a bloodthirst that turned their once-noble race into ravenous predators.

This curse plunged the Vampires into despair, and apparently drove many to madness and self-annihilation. What was it that so devastated them that they were driven to suicide?

Raziel forja la espada con Luz…

Raziel (vo): I had succeeded - the Reaver was forged with the power of Light. And now my way was clear: I would seek out Ariel at the Pillars and see if she could enlighten me.

Saliendo de ese santuario, Raziel piensa…

Raziel (vo): I had the means now to depart the cemetery. I only needed to find the gate that would send me on my way.

Raziel abre la puerta del cementerio activando los orbes…

Raziel (vo): At last, the gate yielded to the powers of Light and Darkness, with which the Reaver had been forged. The way to the Pillars was open.