Kain Settles the Score
Kain (vo):
This artifact seemed as though it was made for that unusual lock.
Now the door could be opened.
Kain observa la estatua en honor a Malek situada en el patio interior de la fortaleza…
Kain (vo):
Malek, the great Sarafan warrior.
I had met him before.
His sword and shield seemed to have gone astray.
Agarrándolo por sorpresa, Kain interroga a un soldado Sárafan…
Kain: Tell me - where can I find your master?
Quickly – Moebius is – ?
Soldado: …in the tower…
En una habitación situada en el interior de la capilla se halla el escudo de Malek…
Kain (vo):
Malek’s missing sheild.
I hated to restore his dignity, but I would need to return this to his monument before I could progress.
En otra estancia exterior, Kain consigue la espada de Malek…
Kain (vo):
Malek’s sword belonged in his right hand.
However distasteful this errand was, I would return it to its proper place.
Una vez devueltos los dos objetos, Kain puede proseguir su camino…
Kain (vo):
The way to the tower now lay open before me.
I looked forward to finding Moebius, and resumng our conversation.
Kain encuentra otro trozo más del emblema para la Segadora…
Kain (vo):
This artifact, joined with the relic I discovered earlier, appeared to be but one fragment of a larger emblem.
This shard was endowed with elemental Fire, enhancing both the Reaver and my telekinetic powers.
Kain accede a la estancia de Moebius…
Here you are at last.
I see you found a fragment of the Balance Emblem.
This will be of even further use to you - if you can find the other three. Now, shall we - ?
Let us continue our conversatio- but on a somewhat different footing.
Now, what do you have to tell me, Moebius?
You cannot kill me.
We both know that this is not how - or
when - I die.
Death is not the only possible outcome.
Moebius: Your delusions of fulfilling the Vampires’ foolish prophecies have badly distorted your judgment. And Raziel is not what you think.
You dare imagine what I think?
Moebius: So you prevented Raziel’s soul from entering the Reaver. Do you believe for a moment that by this you have averted your fate? Or his? Or that of Nosgoth itself? Your manipulations are pathetic.
Yet Raziel retains his free will.
And that’s what frightens you, isn’t it, Moebius.
You cannot see his path, and so you cannot control it.
Moebius: –And neither can you. Yes, Raziel is shrouded from us, but we see the ripples of his potential actions. And every path he might choose leads to the same outcome: He will kill you, Kain. In sparing Raziel, you have written your own death sentence.
You still have not answered the question I came to ask: Where is Raziel?
Moebius: He is not, in a true sense, here. Not now.
Don’t try my patience, Moebius.
What have you done with him?
Moebius: He is contained. In time, it may be safe to release him. His destiny must be completed - he will enter the sword. But until that time he is dangerous – far more dangerous than you could understand.
And your incontrovertible evidence?
The answers are plain if you know where to look.
Go west of the Pillars - there you will find a testament written in stone.
Acto seguido, Moebius se esfuma, dejando sólo a Kain…
Kain (vo): But stones, too, can lie.
Saliendo al balcón, Kain observa los Pilares a la distancia…
Kain (vo):
The Pillars of Nosgoth stood pristine against the horizon.
To the west I would find the enlightenment Moebius felt I lacked.