Blood Omen

The Grand Finale

Anarcrothe: You betrayed us Mortanius! You had Kain killed and turned him into a monster! You set him upon us!

Mortanius: It had to be. Nupraptor’s insanity poisoned all of our minds. The Circle had failed in its sworn duties. It had to be destroyed.

Anarcrothe: Failed our duties? Idiot! The Circle exists for us, we don’t exist for it! Our powers will save or damn Nosgoth at our whim! Stand with us, Mortanius, or die!

Mortanius: Then I shall die!

Anarcrothe confronts Mortanius, although he is unable to defeat him and is defeated. Kain presents himself before Mortanius…

Kain: If the Circle is to be destroyed, you have to die as well, Necromancer. I admire your cunning, but you will not escape your fate.

Mortanius: Nay, I will embrace it. But my death will leave one more to take, princeling. Finish me!

Kain faces Mortanius at the Pillars and manages to defeat him. The creature that possessed Mortanius then takes full control of its host and appears before Kain…

The Unspoken : You thought yourself a king when in fact you were a pawn! You have served me well, Kain.

Kain: I serve no one!

The Unspoken : Indeed. Such narrow vision. Don’t you see? My silencing of Ariel, and its calculated repercussions, is but the first act in my theatre of Grand Guignol. Of which you are the tragic ”hero”.

Play on, little vampire, play on…

Kain: Vae Victus!

Kain succeeds in destroying the being that inhabited Mortanius. After that, he returns the last two objects to the Pillars…

Kain (vo): Anarcrothe’s magic was contained within the metal of the scales, and would eventually be released back into the pillar from whence it came.

The scales of Anarcrothe I lay before the Pillar of States.

Kain (vo): The Death Orb of Mortanius had given the Necromancer dominion over the grave. I had thought him the last of the Circle. And yet, he spoke of another.

Before the Pillar of Death, I laid the Orb of Mortanius.

Now only the Pillar of Balance remains to be restored. Ariel reveals to Kain that he is the guardian of Balance, the only one left to die…

Kain (vo): I am the last Pillar. The only survivor of the Circle of Nine. At my whim the world will be healed or damned.

At my whim.

Kain refuses to sacrifice himself. The Balance of Nosgoth is not restored…

Kain (vo): Once I embraced my powers I realized that Vorador was correct. We are gods, dark gods and it is our duty to thin the herd.