Soul Reaver

The Ruined City

Advice from the ancient god…

Elder god: Centuries past, your brother Dumah retreated with his clan into Nosgoth’s northern wilderness. Empowered by the gift of Rahab’s soul, seek out his mountain stronghold. But tread carefully - these frozen wastes have mysteries yet to disclose.

Advice from Ariel…

Ariel: Beyond the cliffs that witnessed your execution, a silent city sits in frozen tableau. Locked in eternal limbo, they await redemption, or release.

Entering Dumah’s fortress, Raziel finds several corpses of vampires…

Raziel (vo): This city once teemed with the life of my kind. Could it be that other clans had suffered the same fate as mine?

In his madness, could Kain spare none of his brood?

Elder god: It was not Kain, but Dumah’s own arrogance that brought the downfall of his clan.

These are human weapons, Raziel - believing themselves invincible, Dumah and his offspring failed to see an attack coming from the least likely assailants… Complacent in their arrogance, they were taken by surprise, allowing the human vampire hunters to decimate their ranks with little resistance.

The few that escaped have been reduced to scavengers.

Raziel finds his brother Dumah impaled…

Raziel (vo): My brother, Dumah - a powerful warrior, in life. He would have burned with shame, to have me find him here like a stuck pig.

If Raziel changes to the spectral world, he finds Dumah there…

Dumah: Come to save my soul, prodigal brother?

Raziel: Not to save it, but to take it. Your only salvation is release.

After removing the spears that keep Dumah impaled…

Dumah: Unbound at last… I thank you, brother.

Raziel: Your thanks are premature, Dumah. I have not forgotten whose hands bore me into the abyss.

Dumah: The centuries in limbo have honed my strength. Not even Kain is my equal.

Raziel: Even the strongest vampire is vulnerable.

Dumah: We shall test your thesis, Raziel.

Raziel: My blood-thirst has been superceded by an even darker hunger. I will consume your soul before this day is done.

If Raziel is destroyed and/or returns to Dumah’s chamber…

Dumah: You are persistent, Raziel.

After incinerating Dumah and devouring his soul…

Elder god: Consuming Dumah’s soul empowers you to wind a constricting band of spectral energy around your enemies.

This energy manifests itself in both the spectral and material realms - and in the physical world, it can be employed to manipulate otherwise immovable objects.

Upon leaving Dumah’s fortress…

Elder god: In the furthermost canyon of Nosgoth’s frozen wastes, the hushed silences embrace an ancient enigma. In the bowels of this labyrinth, your master awaits…