Soul Reaver

The Drowned Abbey

Advice from the ancient god…

Elder god: North of the Sarafan Tomb, your brother Rahab has secluded himself and his progeny in the ruins of a half-drowned abbey.

Advice from Ariel…

Ariel: North of the Sarafan tomb, a desecrated abbey languishes, half-drowned.

Raziel makes his way to the entrance of the flooded abbey…

Elder god: Once a sanctuary against the vampire menace, this abbey has been drowned by the deluge spilling from this wounded land.

Your brother Rahab and his brood, devastated even by the feeble rays of Nosgoth’s sun, overcame their vulnerability to water and retreated from the surface. Now they haunt these ruins, and glide in the darkness of its stagnant depths.

Raziel enters the room where Rahab is located…

Rahab: Raziel.

Raziel: Rahab. You have adapted well to your environment, for one so maladjusted…

Rahab: Do not mock me, Raziel. You, of all of us, should respect the power bestowed by a limitation overcome.

Kain said you would come.

Raziel: You speak with the murderer?

Rahab: You would do well to mind your blasphemous tongue.

Raziel: What more did he tell you?

Rahab: That you would destroy me.

Rahab: I will, indeed. But tell me, before I tear your soul from its moorings, do you know what we were before Kain spawned us?

Rahab: Human.

Raziel: Sarafan, Rahab. The antithesis of all we ever believed.

Rahab: Does it matter? We were lost. He saved us.

Raziel: Saved us? From what?

Rahab: From ourselves.

If Raziel returns after being defeated…

Rahab: Raziel returns - do you still think you can best me?

When Raziel manages to destroy Rahab…

Rahab: I am undone!

After freeing his soul, Raziel consumes it…

Elder god: Infused with Rahab’s soul, you have overcome your former vulnerability to water’s touch. Immersion in water will no longer dissolve your physical body, enabling you to swim to areas heretofore beyond your reach.

Al abandonar la estancia de Rahab…

Elder god: Beyond the maelstrom of the abyss, a subterranean tunnel leads northward, to the clan territory of your brother Dumah.

Endowed with Rahab’s soul, you may swim to gain entry where your progress was previously impeded.