Soul Reaver 2

Raziel Defies the Elder

Raziel entra de nuevo en la cámara construida bajo los Pilares. Ahora ve cómo están destruidos los cimientos y cómo el dios antiguo rodea a los Pilares con sus tentáculos

Elder god: Raziel, the failed assassin. You had Kain at your mercy but lacked the courage to fulfill the act.

And now you see the wasteland wrought by the tyrant’s hand. By his selfish decision to preserve his own life, even when it meant sacrificing the whole world. This is the fate of Nosgoth, as long as Kain remains alive.

Raziel: An ironic condemnation, given this guilty scene. One would think you’d torn down the Pillars single-handedly. What are you trying to obliterate as you drag your loathsome body through this chamber? And why, as Nosgoth descends into madness and misery, do you appear to thrive?

Things in this world, I am learning, are rarely what they seem. You, apparently, are no exception.

Elder god: I am the Engine of Life, the source of Nosgoth’s very existence. I am the hub of the Wheel, the origin of all Life, the devourer of Death.

Raziel: … or maybe you’re just hungry - could it be as simple as that? Wouldn’t that be poetic irony? The great adversary of the vampires turns out to be the biggest parasite of them all.

Elder god: Do not test my patience, Raziel. I made you, and I will unmake you if I become so inclined.

Raziel: As your agent, I am beyond death.

Elder god: There are fates worse than death, Raziel.

Raziel: Oh, I see you now as you truly are. A cancer - a spooling parasite burrowed deep in the heart of this world.

Elder god: Go now. Play out your pitiful rebellion, and take your place among the destroyed, the used and the damned. But know this - you are mine for eternity. You have always been, and will always be, my soul reaver

Elder god: You are a puny creature, more fragile than you realize.

Your destiny beckons.

Abandon this traitorous course, Raziel.

You would be wise to heed me, Raziel.

Tread carefully, Raziel.

Raziel vuelve al pantano del bosque Termangente…

Raziel (vo): Beyond this edifice lay my sole hope of escaping this demon-infested wasteland. The Time Streaming device contained therein offered my only prospect of journeying back into Nosgoth’s early history. Unless I discovered some means of breaking this seal, I was condemned to be stranded here eternally.

Volviendo a la parte del pantano obstruida 100 años antes, Raziel descubre un conducto hacia el noreste de Nosgoth…

Raziel (vo): The passage of time had indeed cleared my way forward, enabling me to explore the northern mountains of Nosgoth. I was anxious to discover if some evidence of Janos Audron’s existence might still remain.

Raziel alcanza la villa de Uschtenhiem…

Raziel (vo): Here I discovered the quaint hamlet of Uschtenheim, now long abandoned and collapsing into ruin.

Legend claimed that Janos Audron terrorised its villagers until the Sarafan hunters ferreted him out and destroyed him. If there was any truth to the old tales, the lair of the infamous vampire would not be far away.