Blood Omen

The Oracle of Nosgoth

Ariel advises Kain when he returns to the Pillars to find the Oracle of Nosgoth…

Ariel: Ah, the lord returns empty-handed. Does the Sarafan elude you? Very well, go east of Malek’s Bastion. The Oracle shall give you aid.

From a promontory, Kain spots the entrance to the Oracle’s cave…

Kain (vo): High up on the face of these cliffs , hidden amongst a complex network of caves, the underground sanctity of the wise Oracle of Nosgoth lay sleeping. Perhaps it was time to brave the winds, and seek out this Oracle, from the vantage point of the heavens.

Mortanius: Oh, little vampire, the game grows interesting. But with so many pawns, can you find the true player?

Inside the cave, Kain finds various objects displayed in what appears to be a kind of museum

Kain (vo): The shield was newly crafted, its metal shone brightly in the firelight. The crest I did not recognize.

Kain (vo): I recognized this crest from my youth. ‘Tis the sigil of the Mighty Lion of Willendorf, bloodstained and rusted upon this battered shield.

Kain (vo): A guillotine, its blade still wet with blood.

Kain (vo): Odd. This armor resembled that of the Ward and his minions. Yet, the steel seemed newly fashioned and untarnished by time.

Kain (vo): Hidden amidst the many obscure artifacts in that museum, I discovered an ancient chronicle. This passage caught my eye:

It was during these dark times infested with the plague of the undead, that the Circle brought the Sarafan to existence. Trained to be devoutly loyal to the Circle, and the perfect exterminators of the undead scourge, they were led to many victories by the righteous paladin, Malek. They cleansed the vampires with fire, and released their souls to more blessed realms. There is no wrath as terrible as that of the righteous.

I had read enough. At once disgusted and intrigued, I placed the book back down in that museum.

Kain advances through the cave until he finally finds the Oracle in front of a fire that heats a cauldron…

Oracle : A nobleman? Seeking wisdom? Death has taught you well.

Kain: Enough philosophy - I seek answers.

Oracle : Answers indeed. I have them all if you have the questions. And what are the questions for these answers?

King Ottmar - the only hope to defeat the legions of the Nemesis. King Ottmar paralyzed by his princess’ malaise. King Ottmar the useless.

Pray good sir, what are the questions?

Kain: A pox upon your tricks and babble, old man! Answer me this: Who is Malek and how can I defeat him?

Oracle :

All in time sirrah. Yes, time. Unless you master it - it will master you. And now it’s time for your answer:

Malek - defender of the Nine and last of the Sarafan sorcerer-priests. His vanity led to the slaughter of the Circle at the hands of the vampire Vorador. For his failing, his spirit was fused to a hellish set of magical armor. He has allowed no member of the Circle to fall since.

Kain: What of this Vorador?

Oracle : Follow the glow of the Ignis Fatuus to the Termogent forest.

Kain: Ignis Fatuus?

Oracle : The Ignis Fatuus lights the path to Hell, nobleman. Your path.

Time Kain. Next time…