Blood Omen


Kain (vo): The Sanctuary spell enables me to travel to my crypt, where the soil of my grave provides me respite. I often resort to this when I am weak and need nourishment.

Kain (vo): While it is true that natural light weakens a vampire, magical light can have many uses indeed.

Kain (vo): The energy bolt employs magical force in its rawest form. A messy spell, but a potent one nonetheless.

Kain (vo): Invoking this spell cloaks me under a protective aegis. Whatever spell is cast at me will be reflected back at the caster, leaving me unharmed. It will only last for a short time, however, before leaving me vulnerable once more.

Kain (vo): This spell allows me to exploit the petty prejudices of man. Minor grievance would escalate to murderous rage and oh, the sweet terror when the spell wore off and they saw their hands covered with their neighbour’s blood.

Kain (vo): The human mind is a fragile thing. One minor shock, properly timed, can render them catatonic and ripe for feeding.

Kain (vo): Through this magic, I can stop my enemies in their tracks. Frozen in time, they can do nothing to hinder their own doom. Sometimes, I draw out their fate, for the added fear sweetens their blood.

Kain (vo): This spell allows me to use blood from my own body as a weapon. When struck, my enemies’ blood would flow from their bodies to fill me with life.

‘Tis a risk, yet the rewards are a temptation.

Kain (vo): This spell allows me to enslave my enemies, giving me control of their bodies. When I release my grip, their bodies will shrivel and die, as I displace their souls, and replace them with my own.

Kain (vo): Oh, to bathe in the blood of others! This spell is especially useful in the face of multiple combatants.

Beware those with tainted blood.

Kain (vo): ‘Tis a spell worthy of the Necromancer himself. This allows me to dissect a creature’s soul from its vessel of flesh.

For these poor wretches, only oblivion awaits.

Kain (vo): With this spell I can tear a creature’s soul from its body, leaving its vacant flesh mine to control!

Kain (vo): With this spell I can call upon the heavens to tear my enemies apart with its explosive power. Oh, how their bodies will rupture as the scything energy rips through them!