Blood Omen 2

The Industrial Quarter

Kain (vo): I left the relative safety of Sanctuary and ventured once more into the night. The Industrial Quarter of Meridian was, I discovered, a heavily guarded fortress.

Rather than assault it directly, I stole into the workers’ commons and began my quest for the Nexus Stone there.

Un poco más adentro en el barrio industrial…

Vorador (susurro): Were you followed?

Kain: Heh. These humans never look twice in my direction. Little do they realize their future lord walks among them. Now, tell me of this place.

Vorador (susurro): Umah tells me the Nexus Stone will be found in the main factory beyond the dam. There will be a gondola to take you there. If this is deactivated, you must look below for the Glyph to repower it, but be careful of the guards.

Kain: Have you any further wisdom to dispense?

Vorador: I sense the presence of another vampire close by. He may be watching you. I will whisper you again when it is needed.

Kain (vo): Once again, I began to feel the obligations of power. To deal justice fairly to all. One day my people would know me again for their lord, but the vampires who were traitors to their kind would know me first of all.

En un almacén más adelante, unos guardias hablan entre ellos…

Soldado 1: Ever seen anything like that?

Soldado 2: Don’t touch it! I heard it’s magical and dangerous.

Soldado 1: Aw, they say that about everything. The workers move them all the day. Come on, it won’t do any harm to -

El barril con el que jugaban hace explosión

Más tarde, en la fábrica principal, un soldado alerta a Sebastian…

Soldado 3: Sire, a body! We found a body, sire.

Sebastian: It won’t be the last. He is here. I sense the taint of his overblown arrogance. Double the guards in the Power Chamber. He must not be allowed to approach the Nexus Stone.

Soldado 3: Who is it, sire?

Sebastian: An old friend, who will learn his place in the world at last. If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, report to me at once.

Kain consigue llegar hasta la cámara donde se halla la Piedra Nexo y allí encuentra a otro vampiro…

Sebastian: Behold, the great Kain. Now a common thief.

Kain (vo): The fiend that dogged my shadow showed himself at last. And in the light, I knew him. Another visage from my past.

Kain: Sebastian! It is you who have been following me.

Sebastian: And how long it took you to discover it. My master sent me to prevent your meddling further, and now you must die.

Kain: Your master knows his days are numbered. I might have spared your life by asking that you join me, but I learned that lesson two hundred years ago. You arranged the ambush that destroyed my army. You sold yourself to our enemy.

Sebastian: I dealt the blow that cost you the war. Glorious, was it not? So many killed, so quickly. And all my doing.

Kain: I never learned why.

Sebastian: Did you think I would serve while you ruled Nosgoth? You, and not I? The Sarafan Lord knows how to value me. I am to rule by his side and achieve what you never could.

Kain: You fool. You think that butcher will permit you to live one moment longer than he has need of you? I will save you from your disappointment, Sebastian, and kill you now.

Sebastian: I have waited two hundred years for the pleasure of killing you with my own hands. While you have been sleeping, my powers have been increasing. You haven’t the smallest chance of defeating me.

Kain consigue reducir a Sebastian…

Kain: Tell me of the Nexus Stone and this portal. What is its purpose here? Speak, and I will spare your life.

Sebastian: Come, Kain. You lie in your throat and we both know it. You are going to kill me.

Kain: Indulge me, then, before you die.

Sebastian: I’ll tell you so that I may see your face when you learn you are powerless. You cannot win. Your death is inevitable.

The Nexus Stone’s portal leads to an ancient device, deep underground, that will spell your destruction, Kain. A new reign will begin in Nosgoth.

Kain: What is the purpose of this device? How will it serve the Sarafan Lord?

Sebastian: Alas, he has not entrusted me with that knowledge, but soon everyone will know it. His plans are, even now, coming into fruition.

Kain: Where is the device? Where, under the earth?

Sebastian: It lies beneath Meridian. Seek for it if you will. I die happy in the knowledge that all your efforts will be wasted.

Kain: Oh, Sebastian. Our destiny could have been glorious. The land was ours for the taking. History would have been rewritten in our image.

But not everyone shared my vision… and now your time is up.

Sebastian muere y Kain adquiere su dote oscura. Tras eso, roba la Piedra Nexo y el edificio comienza a derrumbarse entre explosiones

Umah: You are welcome back. How do you feel?

Kain: A little better than dead. How did I come here?

Vorador: You are fortunate. One of our vampires saw you thrown from the roof of the factory as it was destroyed. He carried you here. The Sarafan were too occupied to notice you.

Ah, I see that you have the Nexus Stone.

Kain: And I see you were courteous enough not to relieve me of it while I lay unconscious. I met another old friend, a vampire, guarding it. Before I killed him, he told me something… unsettling.

He spoke of an ancient device underground that will bring about victory for the Sarafan Lord. What do you know of this, Vorador?

Vorador: I have heard tell of strange discoveries deep underground. Ancient legends speak of huge machines deep in the earth, left by the Gods in aeons past. And I know of one who can tell us the truth of this matter.

She is a Seer, a being said to be older even than I. We are fortunate in that she owes me a favour. Go to her, Kain, and learn what she knows.

Kain: Go to her? This city is a walled fortress. How do you propose I get out?

Vorador: There is a secret way out of the city. I will show it to you. You may follow a canyon that leads north to her abode.

The way will not be easy. Strange beasts roam outside the city preying on travellers. The people call them demons.

Kain: I believe I’ve met one of these already. I hope your Seer’s knowledge is worth the risk.