Blood Omen 2

The Canyons

Al salir del túnel que da acceso al exterior de Meridian, Kain observa la conversación entre un mercader y un soldado Sárafan en el paso fronterizo…

Soldado Sárafan: Name and business?

Comerciante: What’s this? By thunder, every week I depart by this gate.

Soldado Sárafan: Name and business?

Comerciante: Turo. Bringing supplies to the garrison beyond the abode of the witch. Here is my toll.

Soldado Sárafan: The bridge has fallen.

Comerciante: Again. And they’ve not repaired it?

Soldado Sárafan: There’s more important matters afoot. A company’s being sent out.

Comerciante: The smugglers are to be destroyed at last?

Soldado Sárafan: Smugglers? There’s worse than that infesting the roads, but now the culprits will be dealt with.

Comerciante: At long last. Why pay such high tolls if they won’t keep the roads open, that’s what I say.

Soldado Sárafan: Hold your tongue! You may not keep it long… Open the gates, there!

Penetrando en los cañones, el último de una brigada de soldados hace frente a los demonios que asolan los páramos…

Soldado Sárafan: Whatsoever you be… Show yourself! You found the others -

Uno de los supervivientes del ataque de los demonios intenta advertir a Kain…

Trabajador: I told ’em! She cursed them, I told ’em! The old witch… her minions will come and slay us all! I told ’em.

Finalmente, Kain llega hasta la cabaña de la vidente…

The Seer: Be gone, Dark One. I did not send for you.

Kain: And yet, here I am.

The Seer: So I see. Kain, the Disruptor, the pebble in the pond who destroys all he touches.

Kain: You know me, woman?

The Seer: Better than you know yourself.

Kain: And do you know why I’m here?

The Seer: Perhaps.

Kain: I seek information, and I must have it. What can you tell me of the device?

The Seer: The Device? You’re playing a dangerous game. Return to your night hunting, vampire. Enjoy what time remains to you, short though it is.

Kain: I desire far more than blood. Where is the Device? I will not go without an answer.

The Seer: Do you so enjoy being Vorador’s lapdog?

Kain: I am no man’s dog, witch!

The Seer: No, I see that now. I sense your conviction. I shall help you. If Nosgoth is ever to be healed, the Device must be destroyed. And you, of all men, could be the one to do it.

Know this, the Device has lain dormant beneath Meridian for time beyond time. But now the Sarafan Lord has empowered the machine to unleash its destruction upon the land. The entrance to the Device lies in the heart of the city itself, under the very noses of the aristocracy.

You will know the building by this sign. You will see this more than once, but the first one will show you the entrance to the Device. No human can operate it, but a vampire could.

Kain: What must I do?

The Seer: Come here. Drink! Drink my blood. Now!

Kain: What manner of creature are you? You are like no vampire that I have seen.

The Seer: Who I am, what I am, is of no concern to you. Time presses - He is here. Do as I tell you. If you are to destroy the Device and save Nosgoth, you must drink.

Oh, good… Yes, drink, my Dark Prince. Feel my powers coursing through your veins.

You can manipulate objects already by sheer will alone, but as you were taught, you can only use this ability at close range. By drinking my blood, you will be granted the gift of Telekinesis. You will be able to manipulate objects at a great distance, and you will be able to activate this symbol, and enter the Device.

Mientras tanto, el mismísimo Lord Sárafan llega persiguiendo a Kain hasta la cabaña de la vidente…

The Sarafan Lord: Bathe them in fire. Let them learn, as they writhe in the flames and their bones dissolve, the futility of their actions. The vampire and all of his kind shall be razed from the land. This world will be made pure by my hand.

I will give you the peace you seek, Kain. Your death beckons you.

The Seer: He has found you. Your destiny draws even closer. I will transport you to the Device. From there, use your newfound ability to gain entrance.

Kain: What of you, Seer? Escape with me. I’m in need of allies.

The Seer: Am I your ally? My fate lies along a different path. Goodbye, Kain.

La vidente teletransporta a Kain hasta la entrada del Artefacto…

Kain (vo): Strange how one’s life casts a shadow far beyond one’s own understanding. Here, in this alien vault, I discovered a being whose existence was entwined with mine, far more than I could ever imagine.

Beast : Who disturbs me? Not one of my captors. Kain?

Kain: You know me, monster? My memory at present has its flaws, but I should certainly remember such as you.

Beast : We have not met. I know of you, of course. That you can return from the dead, gives hope to us all.

Kain: I seek an ancient device of great power. I am prepared to kill any who stand in my way.

Beast : Have no fear of me. I am enslaved by the beings that built this monstrosity, to feed this machine with my life.

Kain: Then perhaps we have an interest in common. I’m here to destroy the device.

Beast : Yes, yes. I can help you then. That which you seek is too great for you to destroy alone. It descends far underground. It rivals a city in its size. To destroy the Device, you must seek out the being that built it.

Kain: The Sarafan Lord.

Beast : No, no. It is older, far older. Those who dwelt in Nosgoth eons ago left some structures in their passing. The Device is one. The Sarafan Lord discovered how to use it. Only the Builder can make it stop.

Kain: You mean to tell me that this being still lives? It’s impossible!

Beast : He lives. Listen to me. There is a place in Nosgoth, far to the north, where time means nothing. Where hours and years are frozen for eternity. The Eternal Prison. The wretches imprisoned there, paying for their crimes for eternity. The Builder is there.

Kain: The Eternal Prison? I have heard of such a place. I didn’t realize it was so close to Meridian. How do I reach it?

Beast : There is a tunnel leading out of the city through this room. It will take you to the prison.

Kain: And if this Builder refuses my help?

Beast : Tell him you wish to destroy the Device. Believe me, he will aid you.

Kain: I hope for your sake that what you have told me is true.

Beast : You may believe me. Destroying the Device will free me, at last. I will be in your debt, Kain.