
In the universe of Legacy of Kain, time is not a simple straight line but an intricate web of possibilities, manipulated and shaped by supernatural forces.

Throughout the saga, time travel plays a crucial role, twisting the history of Nosgoth and creating paradoxes that defy logic. Each temporal leap, each decision, and each alteration in the chronology has consequences that echo throughout the story.

From the machinations of the Guardians to the manipulations of the Ancients, the protagonists, Kain and Raziel, find themselves trapped in a struggle to master or break free from a fate already written.

In this section, we explore how the events, temporal twists, and paradoxes shape the dark and fascinating timeline of Legacy of Kain, where past, present, and future converge in unexpected ways.

Eons ago...

The ancient god reveals himself to the ancient vampires, and they accept his doctrine of the Wheel of Fate.

The vampires start a war against their enemy race, the Hylden, as they refuse to submit to the Wheel of Fate of the vampires’ god.

1000 years later...

The vampire race defeats the Hylden race, imprisoning them in the demonic dimension.

In revenge, the Hylden race curses the vampires with bloodthirst, sterility, and immortality, expelling them from the Wheel of Fate, which drives many vampires to suicide .

The vampires erect the Pillars to trap the Hylden in the demonic dimension. Nine Guardians serve the Pillars. Vorador forges the Reaver, and Janos Audron is its guardian.

In an attempt to perpetuate their race, the vampires bestow the dark gift of vampirism to the human Vorador for the first time.

The human population grows, displacing the vampires. Humans replace vampires as guardians and receive the dark gift from them.

The human guardians refuse to accept the gift of vampirism. Moebius and Mortanius start a revolt to serve the Pillars as humans.

Centuries later...

The human Raziel is born.

The Circle of Nine creates the Sarafan Order, dedicated to exterminating the vampire race. Malek is the leader of the order. Raziel, Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon, and Melchiah are ordained as Sarafan priests.

Raziel meets Janos Audron, who guards the Reaver.

The Sarafan priests reach Janos Audron thanks to the path opened by Raziel. The human Raziel kills Janos. The Sarafan take his heart and the Reaver. Raziel renounces his past as a Sarafan priest and pursues them to their fortress.

The First Massacre of the Circle begins. Vorador kills six of the nine guardians. Malek fails to arrive in time to prevent it. Only Mortanius, Moebius, and Malek survive.

Raziel kills the Sarafan priests Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, Dumah, Turel, and Raziel.

The Reaver pierces Raziel to trap his soul, but Kain intervenes, altering history.

Raziel falls into the underworld, imprisoned for 500 years.

Kain discovers the vampire citadel.

The vampire god offers Kain the chance to travel 500 years into the future to stop Raziel and prevent him from reclaiming the Heart of Darkness.

Vorador retrieves Janos Audron’s corpse and takes it to the chapel of his mansion.

Mortanius condemns Malek for failing the Circle, trapping him in his armor and designating him as the new guardian of Conflict. Ariel, Anarcrothe, Azimuth, Bane, DeJoule, and Nupraptor replace the fallen guardians.

450 years later...

Kain realizes he has traveled back in time and decides to kill William the Just before he becomes the Nemesis.

Moebius arms William with a replica of the Soul Reaver.

The young King William is killed by Kain.

Kain finds another time-streaming device and uses it to return to the future.

Moebius uses William’s assassination to incite genocidal hatred and launch a crusade against vampires.

20 years later...

Raziel appears at the Sarafan stronghold and meets Moebius.

Raziel finds the Soul Reaver broken, displayed in King William’s tomb.

Raziel encounters Kain at the Pillars. Ariel, the guardian of Balance, is murdered by the parasitic entity inside Mortanius. Her lover Nupraptor discovers her body, and his anguish corrupts the rest of the Circle’s guardians. Kain is born, destined to be the new Balance guardian.

Raziel meets Vorador, who tells him about his master Janos Audron.

Raziel finds Kain in William’s tomb, at the Sarafan stronghold. He refuses to kill him, changing history.

Raziel forces Moebius to manipulate the time-streaming device to travel five centuries into Nosgoth’s past, but Moebius sends him a hundred years into the future.

30 years later...

The human Kain is killed by bandits.

Mortanius offers Kain the opportunity for vengeance. Kain accepts and is resurrected as a vampire.

Seeking a cure for his vampirism, Kain meets Ariel. She tells him the only solution is to restore the corrupted Pillars by eliminating the guardians who serve them. The Second Circle Massacre begins.

Kain kills the first guardian: Nupraptor. The next guardian, Malek, forces Kain to flee.

Kain arrives at the Oracle’s cave, following Ariel’s direction. The Oracle urges Kain to find the vampire Vorador in the Termangent Forest.

Kain meets and befriends Vorador, from whom he learns about the history of the vampire race and the problems of getting involved in human history.

At Dark Eden, Vorador is summoned by Kain. He kills Bane and DeJoule, while Vorador removes Malek.

Kain finds the Soul Reaver in the Cathedral of Avernus and kills Lady Azimuth with it. He also finds a time-streaming device.

At Ariel’s behest and against Vorador’s advice, Kain allies with King Ottmar to fight the invading armies of the Nemesis.

Cornered in battle, Kain uses the time-streaming device and unwittingly travels fifty years back in time.

Upon returning, Kain observes how William’s murder has led to the extinction of the vampires.

Raziel awakens in the Underworld and seeks out Ariel for advice.

Seeking to understand his destiny and given directions by Vorador, Raziel heads to the Cathedral of Avernus to retrieve the Heart of Darkness and resurrect Janos Audron.

At the Avernus Cathedral, Raziel finds Hash’ak’gik, who turns out to be his vampire brother Turel. Raziel devours his soul and becomes partially possessed by the entities parasitizing Turel. He then meets Mortanius, who reveals that he used the Heart of Darkness to resurrect Kain as a vampire.

Kain and Raziel confront each other. Believing he is about to be trapped in the Reaver, Raziel rips the Heart of Darkness from Kain’s bowels and confines it in the demon dimension.

Raziel resurrects Janos Audron. Audron takes him to the vampire citadel. There, he learns Kain’s true nature: he is the Scion of Balance destined to return control of the Pillars to the vampire race. Ariel appears before Raziel and offers him her soul. Raziel takes Ariel’s spirit and gains the Spirit Reaver.

Vorador is guillotined and Kain becomes the last surviving vampire in Nosgoth. Kain kills Moebius.

Following Mortanius’ orders, Kain heads back to the Pillars. There he witnesses Mortanius finish off Anarcrothe. Kain kills Mortanius, causing the Hylden possessing him to fully take control of his body, and Kain defeats him once again.

With all the Guardians dead, Ariel reveals to Kain that he is the last Guardian. Kain must choose whether to sacrifice himself to restore Balance to Nosgoth by extinguishing the vampire race or refuse and doom the Pillars forever.

Kain refuses the sacrifice. The barrier created by the Pillars is eventually destroyed.

The Hylden possessing Mortanius now possesses Janos Audron. Raziel realizes the error of his actions as Kain had warned him. Kain confronts the possessed Janos Audron. Audron kills Raziel and escapes while Raziel falls into the Underworld.

Kain awakens in the catacombs of the Avernus Cathedral. He escapes and returns to the vampire citadel. There, he finds Moebius and kills him.

In the Underworld, Raziel eliminates Moebius. Understanding and accepting his destiny, Raziel enters the physical realm through Moebius’ body and purifies Kain by allowing himself to be imprisoned within the sword.

Kain escapes from his confrontation with the Elder God at the vampire citadel.

70 years later...

Raziel encounters the spirit of Moebius in the Sarafan stronghold and then Ariel’s specter at the Pillars.

Raziel discovers the ruins of Janos Audron’s retreat and encounters Kain there.

Kain travels back in time to prevent the Reaver from consuming Raziel.

Raziel uses a second time-streaming device, hoping it will take him back to a time when Janos Audron was still alive.

130 years later...

The Hylden possessing Janos Audron reforms the Sarafan Order, renaming himself Lord Sarafan. Janos Audron is used to power a Hylden weapon.

Kain leads an army of vampires alongside Vorador to overthrow the new Sarafan Order, but is defeated. The Sarafan Lord takes possession of the Soul Reaver.

200 years later...

Kain awakens in Meridian and meets Umah, a member of the vampire resistance known as the Cabal.

Kain meets Vorador, the leader of this vampire resistance, much to his surprise. There he learns that Umah has discovered the Nexus Stone, an object of great power. Kain sets out to steal it.

In the industrial quarter, Kain steals the Nexus Stone and learns about an ancient Hylden weapon known as the Device.

Kain visits the Seer, an ancient Hylden and acquaintance of Vorador, to obtain more information. She transports him to the Device.

There, Kain does not recognize a deformed Janos Audron, who feeds the Mass, the being inside the Device, with his blood. Janos reveals that the Mass can only be destroyed with the blood of the Hylden builder of the Device. Kain sets out for the Eternal Prison to seek the Builder.

Upon his return, Kain eliminates the Mass and realizes that the creature feeding it was, in fact, Janos Audron. Janos then instructs him about the Hylden and the gate they use to bring other Hylden from the demon dimension.

Kain faces Lord Sarafan. Janos is confined in the demon dimension while trying to help Kain. Kain closes the Hylden Gate, retrieves the Soul Reaver, and kills Lord Sarafan.

100 years later...

Kain desecrates the Sarafan tomb and resurrects six priests as vampires. Kain begins the conquest of Nosgoth with Raziel as his first lieutenant.

Kain undergoes an evolutionary process followed by his lieutenants.

1000 years later...

Raziel surpasses Kain by evolving ahead of him, growing a pair of wings. Kain orders him to be thrown into the abyss.

Centuries later...

Using a stolen time-streaming device, Turel is taken centuries back in time by Azimuth to be worshipped as the god Hash’ak’gik and serve as a host for the Hylden.

Centuries later...

The Elder God resurrects Raziel as a soul-devouring wraith.

Raziel kills his brothers Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, and Dumah, acquiring their abilities.

Raziel encounters Kain at the Clan Sanctuary. Kain attacks Raziel with the Soul Reaver, which is destroyed. Raziel becomes bound to the Reaver. There, Raziel meets the specter of Ariel.

Raziel finds the desecrated Sarafan tomb by Kain and discovers that he himself was one of these Sarafan priests. He rejects this sacrilegious act and identifies with the ideology of his former self.

Raziel pursues Kain to the time-streaming chamber located in the Oracle’s Cave. Kain enters the time portal, and Raziel follows him.