Soul Reaver

The Silenced Cathedral

Advice from the ancient god…

Elder god: Seek out Zephon’s lair, Raziel… beyond the ruins that greet your exit from the Underworld. Armed with the Soul Reaver, you may gain entry where your path was previously blocked.

Advice from Ariel…

Ariel: Far in the eastern mountains, a stifled titan stands in mute surrender - unwilling host to a parasitic swarm.

Raziel enters the cathedral…

Raziel (vo): Once a testament to mankind’s defiance of Kain’s empire, this towering cathedral now stood derelict, the humans who worshipped here, centuries dead. Its architects conceived this tower as a holy weapon against the vampire menace, a colossal instrument of brass and stone.

The cathedral’s pipes, once tuned to blast a deadly hymn, now stood silent, and these vacant spaces whistled their impotence.

Raziel manages to access Zephon’s chamber…

Zephon: The prodigal son… There is no returning for you, Raziel.

Raziel: Zephon, your visage becomes you. It’s an appropriate reflection of your soul…

Zephon: …and you are not His handsome Raziel anymore. His precious first-born son, turned betrayer.

You have missed so many changes, little Raziel. Look around you. See how the humans’ weapon of destruction has become my home… Indeed, my body. A cocoon of brick and granite from which to watch a pupating world…

Raziel: A crevice in which to cower, only scuttling from the shadows to devour a victim already ensnared in your cowardly trap. But you’ve made the mistake of leaving me unbound, and it is you who must succumb to my will.

Zephon: Will… instinct… reflex action… the insect mind finds little difference.

I warn you, brother - as my stature has grown, so it is matched by my appetite.

Step forward, morsel…

If Raziel dies in the spectral realm and returns here…

Zephon: Come to test me again, brother? I grow weary of your meddling.

After destroying Zephon and claiming his soul…

Elder god: Consuming Zephon’s apostate soul has bestowed on you a new gift. Like his vampire spawn, you are able to scale certain walls which are otherwise impassable - but only in the physical realm. In the spirit world, these insubstantial edifices will not support you.

Raziel exits Zephon’s chamber and the Elder god approaches him…

Elder god: In the mountains beyond the Pillars, Nosgoth’s cataclysms have exposed an ancient crime. Endowed with Zephon’s soul, you may now progress where your path was hitherto impeded.