Soul Reaver

The Oracle’s Cave

Advice from the ancient god…

Elder god: In the furthermost canyon of Nosgoth’s frozen wastes, the hushed silences embrace an ancient enigma. In the bowels of this labyrinth, your master awaits…

Advice from Ariel…

Ariel: In the bowels of an inverted clockwork, the tormentor awaits. Be wary, Raziel - those blind with rage are by destiny ensnared.

Raziel manages to access the Cave of the Oracle…

Raziel (vo): The Oracle’s Cave, where Kain’s first fateful meeting with Moebius occurred.

Moebius played the role of a doddering soothsayer, stirring his pot of visions while dispensing enigmatic predictions to gullible visitors. Underneath the facade was Moebius the Time Streamer, sorcerer of the Circle of Nine - a ruthless manipulator with the power to bend time.

Since his murder at Kain’s hands centuries ago, these caves have stood vacant… though, like Moebius himself, they are rumored to be only a facade for a much larger, more elaborate complex…

I sensed that Kain was here… and at that moment, I would have plumbed the depths of hell to find him.

Raziel finds an effigy of Moebius…

Raziel (vo): This, I deduced, must be the man himself -the Time Streamer, Moebius. He seemed not at all the impressive figure I had imagined from Kain’s boasted exploits. And yet, even this cold image radiated a certain undeniable power…

Raziel finds a first portal that shows the scene of his resurrection…

Raziel (vo): My arrival in this miserable age… What trickery is this?

Elder god: It is no illusion, Raziel, but a glimpse into the currents of Time itself.

Raziel finds a second portal that illustrates his previous battle with Kain and how the Reaver was destroyed…

Raziel (vo): These apparitions torment me… has this all been foretold?

The third shows Raziel’s discovery of the Sarafan tomb…

Raziel (vo): Impossible - this must be one of Kain’s deceptions

In the fourth, Raziel and Kain are shown ready to fight…

Raziel (vo): My mind reels with conflict… Does Kain await me moments from now, or in some century yet to come?

The fifth shows Raziel charging against Ariel, acquiring a new Reaver…

Raziel (vo): This cannot be! What madness does this scene portend? Kain must think me credulous, to suffer these lies…

…and the sixth and final one shows Raziel with a red Reaver…

Raziel (vo): Is this phantasm a conjuration of my mind, or an echo of future events?