Raziel encuentra a sus antiguos hermanos en su anterior vida y comienza a asesinarlos…
Zephon: Come to take your revenge, demon?
Melchiah: Back to hell with you!
Raziel (vo):
I recognized these two as my former brethren… in life as Sarafan; and in unlife as Kain’s vampire ‘sons’.
Melchiah and Zephon, the weakest of Kain’s brood…
These bastards had no idea what future lay in store for them - how they would become the very thing they so despised.
The Reaver hummed with anticipation - Janos had called it a ‘vampiric’ blade, endowed with the power to drain its victims of their lifeblood.
I was
eager to see what the Reaver would do to these two…
Raziel acaba con los sacerdotes Sárafan…
Raziel (vo):
As Melchiah and Zephon fell before my blade, I felt the Reaver’s blood-thirst as keenly as I ever had when I was still a vampire.
I could sense the boundary between us dissolving - the Reaver was consumed with my rage, and I was intoxicated by its bloodlust.
The blade had a vitalizing effect on me - my physical energy no longer decayed over time, and the wounds inflicted by my foes healed almost instantly. The Reaver had made me invincible.
Prosiguiendo su camino, Raziel encuentra a los siguientes sacerdotes Sárafan…
Dumah: Have you come to reclaim the monster’s black heart?
You’ll have to get through us, first.
Raziel (vo):
My former brethren Dumah and Rahab confronted me next - this all seemed so elegantly choreographed.
Exhilarated by the Reaver, I was drunk with revelations…
I could finally appreciate the delicious irony of Kain’s blasphemous, private joke - and I revelled as I colluded with him across the centuries.
For it was I who put these bastards in their tomb, thus providing the corpses for Kain to raise as his vampire sons a millennium from now.
Finalmente confronta a Turel…
Get back to the pit you crawled from, demon!
Raziel (vo):
And here at last was my brother Turel, who along with Dumah would bear me into the Abyss without questioning Kain’s command.
So dutiful and righteous, even as a vampire…
I guess some habits die hard.
The vampire Turel had eluded my vengeance; the Sarafan Turel would not.