Soul Reaver 2

The Death of Janos Audron

Al salir de la fragua del Fuego, Raziel observa cómo los Sárafan están torturando a Janos…

Sarafan Raziel: Hold him!

Los Sárafan incapacitan a Janos utilizando la vara de Moebius. Entonces Raziel Sárafan rebana el pecho de Janos y arranca su corazón…

Janos Audron: Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!!

Turel: Look at his black heart, how it still beats!

El Raziel Sárafan y Raziel cruzan sus miradas y ambos se sorprenden…

Dumah: The fiend intends to bury us alive! Raziel, we must get out of here!

Sarafan Raziel: Remember the sword!

Los Sárafan huyen portando la Segadora y el Corazón de la Oscuridad mientras la montaña empieza a derrumbarse…

Raziel: Forgive me; I’m sorry… I failed you.

Janos Audron: No, Raziel. Perhaps this was my true purpose - simply to save your life this once.

Raziel: While I have taken yours…

Janos Audron: Embrace your destiny, Raziel. You must reclaim the Reaver - it was forged for you and you alone… Without it, there is no hope…

Janos Audron muere en brazos de Raziel…

Raziel (vo): As I backed away from Janos’s body, I was overwhelmed by a sense of self-loathing so deep, I could barely contain it. In that instant, I rejected all that I ever was, and embraced the role Janos had safeguarded for me so patiently throughout the centuries.

I knew then what I had to do - the task for which I was uniquely prepared… I would pursue the Sarafan dogs to their loathsome fortress, and avenge Janos Audron’s murder. Moebius would pay dearly for his treachery, and my Sarafan brethren would reap the horrors they had sown.

I would retake the stolen Reaver, which was rightfully mine. And finally, when all these debts had been paid, I would reclaim Janos Audron’s heart from their filthy, unworthy hands.

If the heart was truly imbued with the power to restore vampiric unlife, its highest purpose was clear to me… I would restore the heart to Janos, and thus undo the vile crime committed by my abominable former self.

Tras dejar el refugio de Janos, dos demonios se aparecen a Raziel…

Demonio púrpura: We’ve been expecting you, little Raziel…

Raziel (vo): So, these demonic pests were not merely the product of Nosgoth’s corrupted future. For here they were, hurtling back over five centuries to pursue me.

These creatures, I suspected, were minions of the unseen forces that had hoped to control me. This was the tangible expression of their displeasure. These demons were unleashed as the penalty for my disobedience.

En el claro donde estaban los Sárafan, Raziel vuelve a encontrar más demonios…

Demonio blanco 1: Do you really think you can save Nosgoth!?

Demonio blanco 2: Let me enlighten you, poor Raziel.

En Uschtenhiem aparecen más demonios…

Demonio rojo: There he is, the savior of Nosgoth!

En los cañones que conducen al pantano aparece un demonio negro…

Demonio negro: Come closer, Raziel…

En el pantano aparece otro demonio negro…

Demonio negro: You shall not pass!