Soul Reaver 2

Moebius's Martyred Spirit

After leaving the cathedral ship, Raziel encounters the supposed spirit of Moebius…

Moebius: Raziel…

Raziel: What pathetic charade is this now, Moebius?

Moebius: No charade, Raziel. Only the entreaties of this martyred spirit.

Raziel: Your pleas mean nothing to me, after all your deceit. You have propelled me into Nosgoth’s future, Moebius - and left me stranded here.

Moebius: I am truly sorry, Raziel, but it was necessary. Consider it the last valiant act of a doomed man. You have strayed from your purpose, and now behold the result - gaze upon the wasteland you and Kain authored together!

Raziel: I fail to see how I’m responsible -

Moebius: You spared Kain! And by doing so, you have released a multitude of horrors upon this world.

I can accept that Kain has murdered me, Raziel. As the Time Guardian, I foresaw that incident long before it occurred. And I take some small comfort in the fact that Kain remains the sole survivor of his vile breed. But you have single-handedly made my sacrifice meaningless.

Raziel: Your argument is disingenuous, Time-Streamer. I cannot see how killing or sparing Kain’s future self would alter these events. This wasteland was created by Kain’s original refusal at the Pillars - and amidst all these twists and turns, that event has never changed.

You are cunning, Moebius - but I think you’ve gotten tangled in your own web.

Moebius: As Kain clings to his precious seat of power, the Pillars sink into a mire of decay, dragging all of Nosgoth down with them!

Raziel: I don’t think this has anything to do with the Pillars or Kain’s failure to sacrifice himself. I think you’re simply afraid - because you don’t know what he’s up to.

He’s a wild-card, isn’t he, and you don’t want his influence in your game. Which is why you wanted me to eliminate him. Now that he’s survived, you have no idea what’s coming, do you? Maybe for the first time in your entire life. You’re terrified that he may truly have found a third option out of the dilemma you orchestrated for him.

Moebius: Kain’s lies have addled your mind. Leave this place, and trouble my spirit no more!

Raziel: If you even are a spirit. You’ve forgotten I have a way to tell for sure. … if you’re willing to risk it.

Raziel lowers his cloak, pretending to devour Moebius’s soul. He fades away, revealing his deception…

Raziel: I didn’t think so. Either way, you lose.