Cornered in the Stronghold
Raziel se abre paso hasta el interior de la fortaleza, donde encuentra la Segadora de Almas robada a Janos…
Raziel (vo):
Suddenly and inexplicably, I discovered the Reaver, suspiciously laid across my path.
Again, I sensed nothing of that ’temporal distortion’, the peculiar sense of displacement I had felt when I encountered the Reaver in William’s chapel.
Cornered here with the blade, I suffered the same nameless dread that I had experienced when Janos first presented the Reaver to me.
I felt at once repelled by the blade, and yet overwhelmingly compelled to seize it.
Moebius aparece escoltado por Malek e inutiliza la Segadora espectral de Raziel con su vara…
So, Raziel - here we are, finally.
You have no choice but to confront me now - and I am not so foolish as I’ve let you believe.
We have business to conclude.
You knew I would lead the Sarafan to Janos, you vile bastard!
You’ve been orchestrating my every move!
Moebius: Hahaha…
Raziel: My destiny is an amusement to you?
It was fun, while it lasted.
Raziel intenta abalanzarse sobre Moebius…
I think not, Raziel.
Malek, do not let this creature leave.
He poses a danger to the Circle.
Poor, deluded Raziel… did you somehow imagine you had the guile to change history on me?
I’m the Time-Streamer - I knew your every intention before you did, you imbecile.
De pronto se oyen los gritos de los guardianes de los Pilares cuando Vorador ataca el Círculo…
Guardiana 1: Malek!
Vorador: Call your dogs - they can feast on your corpses!
Guardián 2: Malek!
Lord Moebius, there is trouble within.
The Circle is under attack -
Moebius: Hold fast, Malek. This one is the real danger to us.
What are you trying to concoct here, Moebius?
Moebius: You toxic creature - did you imagine I’d simply allow you to run loose, corrupting everything you encounter?
I admit that I’ve underestimated you to this point, Moebius - but it’s a mistake I won’t repeat.
Wrong again, Raziel.
Now Malek - bolt the door!
Raziel: Using his staff to disable my wraith-blade, Moebius had effectively disarmed me, leaving me with only one choice of weapon. And yet I confess, it was not the lack of options, but blind rage that made me take up the Reaver - in my fury, it felt as though my hand had acted of its own will.
And now that same hand clutched the hilt with unyielding strength - and I felt a constrained tingling, a remote but palpable sense of longing as the disabled wraith-blade tried vainly to embrace its physical twin.
Si Raziel intenta entrar en el reino espectral…
Raziel (vo): The Reaver exerted some mysterious power over me. It sustained my energy, enabling me to prolong my physical manifestation indefinitely.
In fact, bonded to the blade as I was, I could no longer shift into the spirit realm at will. Nor was I able to summon the Reaver’s twin, for my wraith-blade had been disabled in the confrontation with Moebius.
Si Raziel intenta soltar la Segadora…
Raziel (vo): Now that I had taken it up, the Reaver and I were inescapably joined. The harder I tried to release the blade, the more tightly my hand gripped the hilt, as if possessed of its own will.