
The Heart of Darkness

Kain llega hasta la catedral del Averno. En ese preciso momento, Raziel regresa de las catacumbas…

Raziel: Kain. Why is this no surprise?

Kain: Because our destinies run together, Raziel, like two rivers that have met and can never be distinct again. At your every fatal turn, you will find me.

Raziel: And the free will you said was mine, what has become of that?

Kain: You still have it. And that has everything to do with my presence here now.

Raziel: It was your machinations that set my destiny in motion. The coin you tossed has struck the earth. Now you must abide by its outcome.

Kain: The coin is still turning, Raziel. To reach the resolution we both can live with, that will best serve our futures, Janos Audron must not be raised.

Raziel: Because you do not wish it? Is my free will to be exercised only when it accords with your whim?

Kain: There is much more at stake in this than you know.

Raziel: Yes, and it is Janos who has the answers I desire.

Kain: You must trust me, Raziel. Our intentions - for Nosgoth, for our futures - are not so diverse.

Raziel: I must trust you – or?

Kain: I have not come here to threaten you, Raziel.

Raziel: You say that, while you hold in your hand the instrument of my doom?

Kain: I saved you from the Reaver once. I have no intention of imprisoning you within the blade.

Raziel: At least not until the moment it serves your plans to do so.

Kain: You are not the only one at risk. I may carry the instrument of your destruction, but I, too, have taken a chance in coming here. Or haven’t you realized – you bear the only weapon that can kill me.

Raziel: Then you know what I am – and who you are?

Kain: I believe I do.

Raziel: And still you think you can move me about like your pawn. Think again, Kain.

Kain: Take heed, Raziel.

Raziel: Why? If we are who we are, then are we not destined to fight to the death, to decide the fate of Nosgoth?

Kain: Don’t be a fool. I will not fight you.

Raziel: And that will be the prophesied heroes’ battle? I win, because you will not fight me? The mighty Kain, Scion of Balance, would-be savior of Nosgoth, surrenders before the final battle even begins –

Kain: Very well, if this will make you see reason

Comienza la lucha entre Kain y Raziel. Finalmente Kain consigue doblegar a Raziel…

Kain: Now - you will listen to me. The Heart of Darkness must remain undiscovered. Great harm will come of its use.

Raziel: You don’t know where it is, do you?

Kain: No -

Raziel: – you never looked for it.

Kain: It doesn’t matter, Raziel. Listen to me. You must understand that every creature is bound to one predestined path. We are all shackled–

Raziel: –to the Wheel of Fate. Believe me, I know that even better than you do.

Kain: All but one. Because of your re-making, you are the one unbound creature, the one among us all that truly has free will. You have a choice, Raziel –

Raziel: Which I’m sure I must make at your direction. Your pawn has reached the end of the board, Kain. And now my powers may even surpass yours. How ironic if the creature that you made should prove your own undoing. Now - we finish this. Once and for all.

Raziel no se da por vencido y vuelve a atacar a Kain. Al defenderse y durante el forcejeo, la Segadora comienza a absorber el alma de Raziel a través de Kain…

Raziel: Aaaarrrgghhh!! You…

Kain: No - Raziel–

Raziel: Vae victis

Kain: I didn’t

Con toda su furia, Raziel atraviesa el pecho de Kain y arranca su corazón…

Raziel: ‘Woe to the conquered’ - I have found the Heart of Darkness. And you - go to oblivion.

Raziel (vo): Kain was gone. The madness of this place had somehow fueled my rage, and as it subsided I felt no elation, no sense of victory. Only a calm certainty that we had once again walked blindly into our enemies’ trap.

I couldn’t be sure whether Kain had truly intended to destroy me - and now it appeared I would never know.