

Kain (vo): Given the choice - whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire or to challenge the Fates for another throw, a better throw, against one’s destiny - what was a king to do?

But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of Fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars.

Kain (vo): And so I returned to the sanctuary of my enemy - the fortress of the Sarafan brotherhood, deemed impossible for any man to penetrate.

impossible for any man.

Deep within these walls, my prey awaited: Moebius the Time Streamer, deceiver and eternal gamester, using living beings as his pawns.

Kain escucha a dos soldados Sárafan hablando entre ellos…

Soldado 1: In the end, we rooted out an entire nest of the fiends.

Soldado 2: But we had swept that area already.

Soldado 1: Not well enough. But no matter - we purged every last one of that brood with fire. May their souls now rest.

Soldado 2: Lord Moebius will be pleased.

Kain (vo): It was time for Moebius to answer a few questions. I hoped, for his sake, to find him in a forthcoming mood.

Kain encuentra una prisionera encadenada en una pared…

Prisionera: Help me! Help me!

Kain: Shhh…

Prisionera: Oh please, no…

Kain (vo): From time to time it is necessary to feed. And the unusual event of a feast prepared by the Sarafan must be savored.

Al abrir un hueco en un muro, Kain llama la atención de un soldado Sárafan…

Soldado: What was that?

Kain utiliza sus poderes telequinéticos con el soldado Sárafan…

Soldado: Aaaarrrggh!

Kain (vo): The touch of water was like acid to a vampire. I had to find another way to pass.

Más adentro, Kain descubre una puerta protegida por una barrera especial…

Kain (vo): This passage undoubtedly led to the Time Streamer. My prey was nearly in my grasp. But the door had been sealed by a blessed barrier. As I approached, the Reaver resonated in response. Perhaps its dark sorcery could dispel these holy barriers.

Si intenta romper esta barrera con la Segadora…

Kain (vo): As I suspected, the Reaver was not yet powerful enough to shatter these barriers. But there was something to this…

Al entrar en la iglesia de la fortaleza, las puertas se cierran tras Kain…

Kain (vo): Locked. What a love of doors these pathetic humans have.

Kain se dirige hacia el altar de la iglesia, pero un soldado se percata de su presencia…

Soldado: Huh? Vampire!

Kain recoge el emblema para la Segadora…

Kain (vo): This emblem was unmistakably of Vampire origin, and designed to enhance the Reaver’s power. But this coincidence seemed too convenient; Moebius clearly meant for me to find it.

Los soldados descubren a Kain…

Soldado 1: Sound the alarm!

Soldado 2: Vampire!

Soldado 3: Don’t let him escape!

Soldado 3: Surround him!

Soldado 1: Surrender, fiend, and we will promise you an easy death.

Kain: I could promise you the same, but it would be a lie.

Tras eliminar a los soldados, Kain encuentra otra puerta sellada con la misma barrera que la anterior…

Kain (vo): This barrier had a curious resonating effect on the Reaver.

Kain encuentra una puerta cerrada con una misteriosa cerradura…

Kain (vo): This door had been equipped with a singular lock, requiring an unusual key. Somehow I would find it.