
Kain at the Vampire Citadel (I)

Kain (vo): And so I arrived at the citadel of my Vampire ancestors, long abandoned since their extinction eons ago. Perhaps it still held the wisdom of its creators.

Here Moebius said I would find proof that Raziel was not what I thought he was – or hoped he would be.

But in sending me here Moebius had done me an unexpected – or perhaps an unwitting – service. For it was my destiny, not Raziel’s - my role as Scion of Balance - whose secrets I was here to discover.

Adentrándose en la ciudadela, Kain descubre uno de los murales que representan la lucha de los héroes de las razas vampírica y hylden…

Kain (vo): Here, no doubt, was the evidence Moebius wished me to have… For the Vampires had prophesied not one, but two champions – one destined to be Nosgoth’s redeemer, the other, its destroyer.

The Vampires’ hero wielded the Reaver, forged for this very purpose. His opponent was clearly the hero of their adversaries – the Hylden – and brandished a flaming sword.

The foretold outcome was unambiguous: the Vampire hero would fall .

Junto a estos murales, Kain descubre una puerta sellada…

Kain (vo): This door was clearly significant; the answers I sought surely lay within. But to unlock the chamber, the Balance Emblem had to be fully restored.

Más adelante, otra puerta impide a Kain continuar…

Kain (vo): The Reaver required some additional enhancement before this door could be opened.

Kain se adentra en una de las fraguas elementales de los antiguos vampiros…

Kain (vo): These statues were singularly inanimate. I knew better than to assume they would always remain so.

Con el tiempo, Kain consigue encontrar otro utilidad para la Segadora…

Kain (vo): The third fragment of the Balance Emblem endowed the Reaver with the elemental power of Lightning.

Kain abre una puerta utilizando el fragmento del Emblema del Equilibrio que acaba de encontrar…

Kain (vo): A new area of the Vampire citadel lay open to me. I still had much to discover.