
Ariel, the Guardian of Balance

Raziel (vo): The vampire hunters - brazen as they were - feared to walk these paths. I knew one spirit haunted this place… perhaps there were others, as well.

La entrada a los Pilares está bloqueada por un mecanismo que sólo se encenderá con fuego…

Raziel (vo): These smoldering sconces seemed as though they would ignite, if only I had a fire source.

Raziel logra entrar en una nueva fragua, la del fuego y allí observa los murales que la decoran…

Raziel (vo): I sought to unravel the mystery of my fate, and in this image lay my first clue.

For this scene depicted the forging of the Reaver- the weapon destined to become my prison - and I recognized its maker. The years had changed him, but this was unmistakably the vampire, Vorador – and in this era, he still lived.

If I could reach him before Moebius’ mob hunted him down, he would provide the answers I sought.

Raziel (vo): These images chronicled Vorador’s creation . As I already knew, he had not been born a vampire, but had been turned by the infamous Janos Audron.

But this mural suggested that Vorador’s origins were even more significant – apparently, he was the first human to whom the dark gift had been passed. This was the Vampires’ desperate bid to preserve their bloodline… for their enemies had cursed them not only with blood-thirst, but with sterility as well.

La nave espiritual para dotar a la Segadora con fuego aún no contiene las almas de los guardianes…

Raziel (vo): This spirit vessel was not yet activated. Perhaps there was some means for me to awaken it…

En una de las cámaras, Raziel encuentra la tumba de uno de los antiguos guarianes vampiros…

Raziel (vo): Approaching the tomb, I was met by the specter of the Guardian himself.

Guardián del Conflicto: Eternity weighs heavily

Raziel: I have a solution.

Guardián del Conflicto: I bear it in atonement… but your moment of existence has passed. Come - and be released…

Tras luchar con el antiguo guardián del Conflicto y derrotarlo, el alma de éste vuelve a la nave espiritual, pero Raziel no puede usarla aún…

Raziel (vo): Apparently a single soul was not enough to activate this spirit vessel. Perhaps another specter was lurking around here somewhere…

Después encuentra la tumba de otra guardiana…

Raziel (vo): I was met by the specter of the Nature Guardian, monstrously deformed since its death centuries ago.

Guardiana de la Naturaleza: Rejoice, creature, for today your spirit will return to the One…

Tras haber sido derrotada por Raziel, el alma de la guardiana termina por activar la nave espiritual del fuego…

Raziel (vo): As the Reaver absorbed the souls of the Nature and Conflict Guardians, it was imbued with the elemental power of Fire with which their principles were aligned. I was now equipped to reach the Pillars.

Abierta la entrada a los Pilares, Raziel los observa…

Raziel (vo): Once again I beheld the Pillars of Nosgoth - crumbling in decay now, following the corruption of the Circle. Here I would find Ariel, the specter of the murdered Balance Guardian - and the last pure, undefiled member of the Guardian Circle.

Bound here upon her death, she was doomed to haunt these Pillars until her successor fulfilled his terrible duty, and Balance was restored.

Ariel: What manner of creature approaches?

Raziel: I know you well, Ariel - though you do not yet know me.

Ariel: I have no time for riddles, strange one.

Raziel: All you have is time. I have come to seek your guidance.

Ariel: I counsel only one man, and you are not he. But you will know him soon. The contagion of your kind is coming to an end.

Raziel: My kind? What exactly do you think I am?

Ariel: Your name shall remain ‘Unspoken’, as decreed by our ancestors. You serve the one who so brutally took my life and set this tragedy in motion.

But even now, hope is at work. Balance will be restored, and your kind will be expelled forever.

Raziel: You have pinned your hopes on Kain. He will disappoint you.

Ariel: What can you know of Kain?

Raziel: More than you could ever fathom.

Ariel: He will do what he must when the time comes.

Raziel: By choosing his own death? A sacrifice for the world? You don’t know Kain very well.

Ariel: I know what he is called to do. My faith sustains me.

Raziel: Is it faith, or fear? You know that if Kain refuses the sacrifice, you will never leave here. And you begin to suspect…

Ariel: I will not hear your poison, fiend.

Raziel: Grant me the answers I require, and I will leave you to your pathetic delusions.

Ariel: Ask, then.

Raziel: I seek the vampire Vorador.

Ariel: To kill him, perhaps? Or to join him in death? But for Kain, he is the last of his kind. Moebius’s mob has done its work.

Raziel: My reasons are my own.

Ariel: His refuge lies in the heart of the black forest.

And may you molder there together until the end comes.

Raziel no puede continuar por la dirección indicada por Ariel, pero encuentra uno de los dispositivos que se activan con una Segadora…

Raziel (vo): This seemed to be attuned to the elemental principal of air.

Para activar este dispositivo, Raziel busca la fragua del Aire, al oeste de los Pilares…

Raziel (vo): I was transported to yet another ancient Vampire chamber - this one apparently aligned with the elemental power of Air.

These murals had suffered some damage. Once again I recognized the Vampires’ hero, but this scene revealed something new… For here they had also depicted his destined adversary, now partially obscured, who seemed to bear a flaming sword.

De igual modo, la nave espiritual está desactivada. Raziel encuentra la tumba del guardián de la Dimensión…

Guardiana de la Dimensión: In winning all, we lost all… In winning what we thought mattered, we lost what truly mattered… But for you, there is a chance.

Raziel: What chance is that?

Guardiana de la Dimensión: The bliss of death. I offer it.

Raziel: But I do not accept.

Raziel acaba con la guardiana de la Dimensión y su alma pasa a llenar la mitad de la nave espiritual. Ahora se dirige en busca del guardián de la Mente…

Guardian de la Mente: You too share the curse – submit and be released…

Raziel: Never.

Y tras derrotar a éste guardián, la nave espiritual se activa con el alma de este último…

Raziel (vo): As the Reaver absorbed the souls of the Mind and Dimension Guardians, it was imbued with the elemental power of Air with which their principles were aligned.

Raziel vuelve al camino que le lleva a la mansión de Vorador…

Raziel (vo): With the Reaver endowed with the elemental power of Air, the way to Vorador’s refuge lay open at last. If the old vampire still lived, he alone could tell me how to escape the terrible destiny charted for me when the Reaver was forged.

Vorador’s refuge was hidden deep within the black forest. I hoped to find him before Moebius’s cutthroats did.