Blood Omen

The Pillars of Nosgoth

Kain gazes at the Pillars of Nosgoth in the distance…

Kain (vo): The Pillars of Nosgoth.

Even in life, few sights have moved me such as this. I marveled that such beauty should grace our dying world.

Kain approaches the Pillars and hears the voice of a woman…

Ariel: Nupraptor, your madness has shattered our dreams and blinded you…

Kain: Keep your distance or I’ll send you back to Hell, spirit!

Ariel: There is nothing left of me to fear, vampire.

I am only a shadow of my former self… Ariel - the Balance of the Circle of Nine.

Even so, I can provide the answers you seek.

Kain: I seek only a cure.

Ariel: There is no cure for death, only release. You must destroy the sorcery that is now poisoning Nosgoth. Only then will you realize peace.

The Nine of the Protectors of Hope were sworn to use their powers to preserve our world. Now these pillars have been corrupted by a traitor.

My murder at the hands of this beast drove my love Nupraptor mad. Now he spreads misery and pain among the Circle, crumbling the very foundation of Nosgoth.

You must restore balance. You must right the Pillars of Nosgoth.

Kain: I care not for the fate of this world.

Ariel: Then for yourself Kain… Beware the Unspoken

Kain (vo): Nupraptor, with his blind act of vengeance threatened to destroy all of Nosgoth.

Each Circle member was bonded to the Pillar he served. The Pillars reflected the mental state of their servants, and as the minds of the Circle degenerated and descended further into dementia, the Pillars crumbled.

To restore them, each member of the Circle had to die, and the artifact that served as their link to the Pillar had to be returned. Only when all the Pillars were restored, did Ariel claim my curse would end.

And so my hunt for Nupraptor began.

Kain approaches each of the Pillars…

Kain (vo): The Pillar of Mind, protected by the mentalist Nupraptor.

The Pillar of Dimension, protected by the planer Azimuth.

The Pillar of Conflict, protected by the paladin Malek.

The Pillar of Nature, protected by the druid Bane.

The Pillar of Energy, protected by the energist DeJoule.

The Pillar of Time, protected by the time streamer Moebius.

The Pillar of Death, protected by the nigromant Mortanius.

The Pillar of los States, protected by the alchemist Anarcrothe.

The Pillar of Balance, once defended by Ariel. The Pillars choose their own.