Blood Omen


Kain says other phrases in specific situations. The first time it becomes night…

Kain (vo): Night dawns. And with it, the vampire grows stronger.

And when it becomes day for the first time…

Kain (vo): As daylight chases darkness, the vampire’s power wanes.

The first time it starts to rain…

Kain (vo): When rainfall comes, vampires are wise to find shelter from its acidic touch.

The first time it snows…

Kain (vo): Even the gentle snowfall can be lethal to a vampire’s wellbeing.

Kain finds various objects throughout the game that allow him to increase his power and save his progress…

Kain (vo): This ancient vial bears with it a dark gift indeed - for with it, my life force is increased.

Kain (vo): These ancient symbols of power contain raw magical energy, which increases my own capacity to summon energy for the spawning of spells.

Kain (vo): Within the walls of these chambers I could find respite.
And, if I so chose, resume my journey when my weariness abated.

Kain (vo): These beacons serve as landmarks during my flights in bat form.
Once I have committed their locations to memory, I can always return.

Kain also collects some objects…

Kain (vo): Turning the ring over in my hands, I realized that it was crafted from some strange alloy formed from broken teeth - ground down and soaked in blood.

Kain (vo): Strange runes litter its metallic surface.
‘Tis with caution that I carry this mysterious device.

Kain (vo): Strange that such a tiny thing - a shred of burlap and silk with a single lock of hair nailed to it, could bring a kingdom to its knees.
Small things frequently have enormous consequences.

Each time Kain drinks from a blood fountain, his power increases…

Blood Fountain: The Blood of Ages flows so sweet.
Come - drink from us.

Blood Fountain: Your strength has increased, for our blood enhances.

Blood Fountain: The rain will do you no harm, for our blood preserves.

Blood Fountain: Your magic energy recovers more quickly, for our blood enhances.

Blood Fountain: The snow will do you no harm, for our blood preserves.

But he can only drink once from each fountain…

Blood Fountain: Do not be greedy, Vampire. You have had your fill

Throughout the game, there are hidden spiritual forges where Kain can exchange part of his blood for useful objects…

Kain (vo): One must be wary in dealing with the Spirit Forges.
The Wraiths and Shades that inhabit them offer items beyond mortal dreams, in exchange for a sampling of your blood.

The Wraith Smiths forge their items with forfeit souls.

Wraith Smith: Shed your blood for me, and these artifacts will be yours.

Wraith Smith: So - you come to the Spirit Forge for help, do you vampire?
Trade you secrets for the blood of the dead, I will…