Blood Omen

Dialogues with Villagers

Kain, using his human form, can converse with the inhabitants of Nosgoth. Thus, in Ziegsturhl…

Villager: Some poor knight was murdered only last week.
They found him on the roadside, all cut and stabbed and the like.
If a knight can be taken, what about us common folk?

Villager: I heard there was a bandit camp to the west of here.

Villager: Hail stranger! What can I get thee today?

Villager: It’s not safe around here anymore.
Damned brigands and thieves in the wilderness.

Villager: Goodday, to you!

Villager: I hear there is a bandit camp to the north of here.

The women will say the same thing throughout the entire game…

Wench: The nights can get very cold around here, stranger.
I can help you get through it.

Wench: Ouch!
Hands off, ya ugly oaf!

Wench: Oooh, aren’t you the handsome one?

In Nachtholm…

Villager: Beware, stranger – there was another vampire attack last night!

Villager: Something must be done quickly. Two more victims were found… drained dry!

Villager: A drink for your troubles, sir?

Villager: I heard there was a bandit camp to the east of here.

Villager: In these here parts it’s grown cold and cruel.
The crops are blasted, the wind bites.
Never seen a worse time in all m’ life.

Villager: Don’t venture around here without a good blade at your side!
You’ll thank me for it!

Villager: Goodday, to you!

Villager: Hail stranger! What can I get thee today?

Villager: It’s not safe around here anymore.
Damned brigands and thieves in the wilderness.

In Steinchencröe…


I heard there is a bandit camp to the south of here.

Villager: Aye, I’ve heard of a wise oracle that lives in the mountains to the north.

Villager: We’ve heard rumors of great unrest in the north.

Villager: Let us drink to the King’s health!
For William the Just!

Villager: There’s an evil in the air.
I can feel it.

Villager: It’s not safe around here anymore.
Damned brigands and thieves in the wilderness.

Villager: Hail stranger!
What can I get thee today?

In Vasserbünde…

Villager: The trading caravans from Avernus didn’t show up this week.
Awful strange, you know.

Villager: Something is amiss.
The wagons from Avernus just never turned up!

Villager: Them money-grubbing scabs always show on time.
Not this week, though…

Villager: Something’s not right.
The pilgrims go in, but I ain’t never seen one come out!

Villager: That lunatic on the hill, it’s not right that we good people have to put up with his magic.
Something has to be done!

Villager: The mage is insane, I tell you! Insane!
Listen, can’t you hear him cackling to himself?

Villager: Don’t venture around here without a good blade at yer side!
You’ll thank me for it!

Villager: Nupraptor had servants.
One day, one escaped the keep and stumbled into our village.
Mad, he was!
And his skin and hair, white as a sheet!
Scared out of his wits!

Villager: There used to be a vampire living there, before the Sarafan hunted and killed him.
They say he screamed four score days and nights before he died!
He vowed vengeance, he did!

Villager: The King’s heart pines for his daughter – someone stole her soul, you know…

Villager: I heard there was a bandit camp to the north of here.

Villager: What’ll it be? Sword? Shield? Hooving?

Villager: Sometimes, if you listen carefully, you can hear screams echoing from within!

Villager: I ain’t ever been up there, nor would I ever.

Villager: Oh woe is us!
The dark is upon us!

Villager: Accursed gypsies!
Bringing their wicked magic!
Nosgoth will never be the same!

Villager: There’s an evil in the air.
I can feel it.

Villager: Aye, I’ve heard of a wise oracle that lives in the mountains to the north.

Villager: Some poor knight was murdered only last week.
They found him on the roadside, all cut and stabbed and the like.
If a knight can be taken, what about us common folk?

Villager: Beware, stranger – there was another vampire attack last night!

Villager: Goodday, to you!

Villager: It’s not safe around here anymore.
Damned brigands and thieves in the wilderness.

In Coorhagen…

Villager: Unclean.
Save yourself.

Villager: ‘Tis the plague, my lord, it eats at our bodies. There is no hope.

Villager: Bring out your dead…
Bring out your dead.

Villager: Begone, good sir, lest you share our fate.

Villager: Ah, the mythical oracle you seek?!
He is said to dwell where the grass touches the snow; where the light touches the dark.
Across yonder mountains.

Villager: All sorts of weird things live in the swamps.
Some say that sprites and faeries dwell there!

In Uschtenhiem…

Villager: We’ve heard rumors of great unrest in the north.

Villager: There used to be a vampire living there, before the Sarafan hunted and killed him.
They say he screamed four score days and nights before he died!
He vowed vengeance, he did!

Villager: In these ‘ere parts, it’s grown cold and cruel.
The crops are blasted, the wind bites.
Never seen a worse time in all my life.

Villager: Beware, stranger – there was another vampire attack last night!

Villager: Hail stranger! What can I get thee today?

Villager: There’s an evil in the air. I can feel it.

Villager: Accursed gypsies! Bringing their wicked magic! Nosgoth will never be the same!

Villager: A drink for your troubles, sir?

Villager: Ah, the mythical oracle you seek?!
He is said to dwell where the grass touches the snow; where the light touches the dark.
Across yonder mountains.

In the camp outside Willendorf…

Villager: The shadows fall, and vampires descend…

Villager: What has become of the Lion of Willendorf?!
Who will protect us from the Nemesis?

Villager: I’ve heard that an army from the North is preparing to invade, is it true?

Villager: I know William the Just will do something about the vampires!

Villager: The King’s heart pines for his daughter – someone stole her soul, you know…

Villager: Goodday, to you!

Villager: I hear there is a bandit camp to the north of here.

Villager: Beware, stranger – there was another vampire attack last night!

In Willendorf…

Villager: When can we truly live in peace?
When will the vampires be gone?

Villager: Looks like it’s going to be a hard winter.

Villager: Ay, our King is kind and fair.
What fortunate citizens are we.

Villager: We are doomed!
An army approaches and that fool Ottmar does nothing but weep!

Villager: Help us be rid of those vampires!
A hunting party begins tonight!

Villager: We’ve heard rumors of great unrest in the north.

Villager: Some poor knight was murdered only last week.
They found him on the roadside, all cut and stabbed and the like.
If a knight can be taken, what about us common folk?

Villager: The King’s heart pines for his daughter – someone stole her soul, you know…

Villager: Begone, good sir, lest you share our fate.

Villager: Ah, the mythical oracle you seek?!
He is said to dwell where the grass touches the snow; where the light touches the dark.
Across yonder mountains.

Villager: Accursed gypsies!
Bringing their wicked magic!
Nosgoth will never be the same!

Villager: It’s not safe around here anymore.
Damned brigands and thieves in the wilderness.

Villager: Hail stranger! What can I get thee today?

Villager: There’s an evil in the air. I can feel it.

Villager: A drink for your troubles, sir?

Villager: Oh woe is us! The dark is upon us!

In Stahlberg, 50 years in the past…

Villager: Welcome, stranger.
To the most prosperous land in all of Nosgoth.

Villager: William the Just rules this land, stranger.

Villager: Taxes are down, spirits are up.

Villager: Ay, our King is kind and fair.
What fortunate citizens are we.

Villager: Help us be rid of those vampires!
A hunting party begins tonight!

Villager: Looks like it’s going to be a hard winter.

Villager: Goodday, to you!

Villager: When can we truly live in peace?
When will the vampires be gone?

Villager: The shadows fall, and vampires descend…

Villager: There’s an evil in the air. I can feel it.

Villager: In these ‘ere parts, it’s grown cold and cruel.
The crops are blasted, the wind bites.
Never seen a worse time in all my life.

Villager: Oh woe is us! The dark is upon us!

In the Stahlberg of the new Nosgoth…

Villager: The hunt is over.
Vampires will plague us no more!

Villager: We’ve captured their champion.
Ah, there’ll be a feast tonight!

Villager: Peace at last!
Since the vampires slaughtered our great king William the Just, we have had no rest!

Villager: Fifty years, we sought to fulfill our promise to our fallen king.
And now, our covenant comes to pass.

Villager: When can we truly live in peace?
When will the vampires be gone?

Ariel (vo): In his life, he was unknown… a petty noble.

In death, he was unknown. Yet by choosing oblivion, he restored Balance to the land.

Shades cast, no shadows.