A Chance for Vengeance
Kain wakes up in the underworld, chained to some posts…
Kain (vo): Vae Victus - suffering to the conquered.
Ironic that now I was the one suffering. Not anything as pedestrian as physical pain. Rather the cruel jab of impotent anger - the hunger for revenge.
I didn’t care if I was in Heaven or Hell - all I wanted was to kill my assassins.
Sometimes you get what you wish for.
The Necromancer Mortanius offered me a chance for vengeance.
And like a fool, I jumped at his offer without considering the
Nothing is free. Not even revenge.
Mortanius: You will have the blood you hunger for…
Kain comes back to life as a vampire, in the crypt of his mausoleum…
Kain (vo): I awoke to the pain of a new existence, in a dank womb of darkness and decay.

Iron Sword. Forged by the Serioli, the legendary weapon masters of Nosgoth, this blade will serve me well, in life and beyond…

Iron Armor. As it was born from hellfire, forged by the Necromancer’s magic, my armor resists fire and provides me with strong defence.

Sanctuary. The Sanctuary spell enables me to travel to my crypt, where the soil of my grave provides me respite. I often resort to this when I am weak and need nourishment.

The Heart of Darkness. Reputed to have been ripped from the chest of the greatest vampire to have ever existed, Janos Audron, the Heart of Darkness restores vampiric unlife.
Life is precious, Janos discovered - as it was torn throbbing and bleeding from his own body.

This ancient vial bears with it a dark gift indeed - for with it, my life force is increased.

These ancient symbols of power contain raw magical energy, which increases my own capacity to summon energy for the spawning of spells.

Within the walls of these chambers I could find respite.
And, if I so chose, resume my journey when my weariness abated.

Flay. These curious devices hurl bolts of whirling energy and eviscerate my human enemies by stripping ragged flesh from bloodstained bone.
Kain goes outside…
Kain (vo):
The world had changed to my eyes.
I had not expected such cruelty from the light.
For in the embrace of the sun, I could find no comfort, only malice.
This would change in time for the worse, along with other things.
Kain exits the cemetery determined to find the bandits who murdered him…
Kain (vo): Hunger and weakness are no bar to vengeance’s call. I would find my slayers and send them back whence I came.
Brigand 1: What trickery is this?
Brigand 2: There he is!
Brigand 3: I thought we killed you, bastard!
Brigand 4: We put you down once - we can do it again!
Kain (vo): Their sneering faces were forever etched upon my memory. I had crossed death for this moment.
My mind was empty save for one thought:
I would kill.
After killing the bandits who killed him…
Kain (vo): There is no greater release than that from vengeance sated. With my assassins dead, my quest was over.
Mortanius: ‘Tis not over Kain. These fools were merely the instruments of your murder, not the cause.
Look to their masters. Look to the Pillars, and gain way to the Fortress of the Mind…
Kain finds a sign with the name of the city Ziegsturhl
Kain (vo): This was where the bloody deed of my murder took place.
I would not be kind to the denizens that lurk here. They would taste my steel, and I their blood.
Crossing a bridge that leaves Ziegsturhl behind…
Kain (vo): The Necromancer had offered me no warning as to what my resurrection would entail, and yet I must confess, in my haste, I had not sought one. Was his gift a curse? I would seek the Pillars for an answer.
The first time it starts to rain…
Kain (vo): When rainfall comes, vampires are wise to find shelter from its acidic touch.
The first time dawn breaks…
Kain (vo): As daylight chases darkness, the vampire’s power wanes.
The first time night falls…
Kain (vo): Night dawns. And with it, the vampire grows stronger.