Blood Omen 2

The Wharves

Umah: Vorador has said we must seek out a war galley. We should search the southern docks.

Kain: What about the defences here?

Umah: The heaviest of all the Sarafan outposts. They control all trade and all travel to and from Meridian.

Kain: The Sarafan are nothing compared to what I have faced, and destroyed.

Umah: Don’t be so arrogant. Their finest warriors will be waiting within. The Glyph Knights are deadly.

Kain: We shall see.

Umah: Tell me one thing, Kain, before we go in. If you do kill the Sarafan Lord, and recover the Soul Reaver, what then?

Kain: You know the answer to that.

Umah: Tell me.

Kain: Then Meridian, and all Nosgoth will become mine.

Umah: And the Vampire Resistance?

Kain: Well you may do whatever you wish, of course.

Umah: Of course.

Umah arranca del pecho de Kain la Piedra Nexo y se la queda para sí…

Kain: What!

Umah: Do you take me for a fool?

Kain: You dare -

Umah: Vorador has told me all your stories, Kain. He said that you would stop at nothing to achieve your great ambition - absolute power. And when you control Nosgoth, are we to believe that you would let us vampires live and do what we wish?

We are the only ones who could stand in your way. No. You will have to hunt us down and kill us, and how is that different from the rule of the Sarafan Lord?

Kain: I will not defend or explain my actions to you, Umah. No one, not even you, will stand in my way!

Umah: I thank you, Kain, for giving us this chance to defeat the Hylden for all time. But you have done enough. I shall be the one to find and kill the Sarafan Lord, and Nosgoth shall belong to the vampires once again.

Kain: You fool. You have not the smallest chance of surviving such a battle. Now, give me the Nexus Stone, or I shall pry it from your thieving fingers as you convulse in death.

Umah: Now the beast shows his true nature… and so quickly, too. I wish it had been otherwise for us, Kain.


Umah se desvanece y se dispone a continuar abandonando a Kain. Éste continúa por su cuenta por los muelles…

Guarda: No one’s allowed through here without the password. The fog’s come in and no ships will be sailing until they turn the lighthouses on.

En otro punto de los muelles…

Marinero 1: They won’t let me down to the docks. They say it’s because of the fog, but I need to get to my boat.

Marinero 2: Just give ’em the password ‘North Star’. He’ll let you through.

Marinero 1: Thanks, mate. I owe you one.

Kain regresa hasta la puerta custodiada…

Guarda: You again? Password?

Kain: North Star.

Guarda: Good enough.

Un poco más adelante…

Trabajador: Keep your distance!

Kain: Never fear…

Trabajador: Are you Kain? They sent me to help you. You must reposition the lighthouse, so that the Sarafan supply ship will dock and the drawbridge will lower.

Kain encuentra a Umah acorralada y malherida durante su lucha contra los Sárafan…

Kain: We meet again, Umah.

Umah: Kain

Kain: Yes. Kain. I thought you were to bring the Sarafan Lord to his knees.

Umah: I thought…

Kain: I know.

Umah: It seems… I was wrong. I could not carry the fight… alone.

Kain: You were brave to try.

Umah: Kain… I’m dying.

Kain: Yes. You are.

Umah: I need your blood. Please. You can save me.

Kain: I know. Tell me, child. Do you see me ruling Nosgoth?

Umah: Yes, yes. I see it now.

Kain: And do you believe that Nosgoth rightly belongs to me?

Umah: I do - I believe it, Kain. Please!

Kain: Then you may die, knowing the truth.

Umah: No!

Kain: You should never have betrayed me. You could have been my queen.

Umah: Kain

Umah muere desangrada…

Kain: Now you have left me alone

Por fin Kain llega hasta la galera que partirá hacia la ciudad de los hylden…

Vorador (whispering): You must unleash the demon out of its cage. Then use the empty cage to smuggle yourself onto the ship. Kain - be careful.

Utilizando la jaula vacía, Kain consigue infiltrarse en el barco…