Blood Omen 2

The Upper City

Nada más entrar en la ciudad, Kain encuentra a otro viejo conocido…

Marcus: So, the rumours speak true.

Kain: Marcus. My old friend.

Marcus: A poor choice of words, Kain. We were not friends.

Kain: Will you sour this reunion with old grudges? Granted, we parted on poor terms.

Marcus: You tried to murder me.

Kain: I seem to have failed.

Marcus: You feared my growing powers. You knew they would one day surpass yours. Is that why you begged me to fight at your side when you waged war on Nosgoth?

Kain: Begged? I never begged!

Marcus: In your arrogance, you presumed me dead. But I was stronger than you knew. I crawled from my haven and fled into hiding.

Kain: That’s the Marcus I remember.

Marcus: When the Sarafan proved victorious, I knew that my destiny lay with the Sarafan Lord. I offered myself to the winning side.

Kain: I always knew you for a sneaking, cowardly opportunist. How unfortunate that my poor aim caused you so much suffering. This time you will die completely, I promise you.

Marcus: No, Kain. Once more you underestimate me. The Dark Gifts manifest differently in each of us. Over the years during your absence, my powers have increased enormously.

I now have the power to Charm all living things, to subjugate their minds and make them do my bidding. You will kneel to me, Kain, and the Sarafan Lord will be pleased with my new slave.

Now, obey me.

Marcus utiliza su poder para dominar a Kain, pero no puede hacerse con el control…

Marcus: What? Impossible!

Kain: What manner of creatures have you been practicing on? Dull mortal fools, with their minds full of commerce and dung? My mind is far too strong for your powers.

Marcus: No matter. My mental powers still allowed me to read your thoughts. You seek the Bishop of Meridian, do you not? He has some information that you require.

Kain: Clever trick.

Marcus: I will ensure that you never get that information. You may find the good Bishop, Kain, but when you do, he will be dead…

Kain: Not if I reach him first.

Marcus utiliza su poder mental para hechizar a soldados y que entretengan a Kain mientras él huye. Marcus se dirige después hacia otro centinela Sárafan…

Marcus: You there. You are to conduct me to the Bishop’s manor on the instant.

Soldado Sárafan: We were told to be on the lookout for a vampire.

Marcus: Not me, you fool. You know me.

Kain. Kain is the one you seek.

Soldado Sárafan: But he’s not going to stop and tell us his name.

Marcus: You’re to kill him on sight.

Soldado Sárafan: Those are our orders.

Kain llega hasta la calle, persiguiendo a Marcus. Vorador susurra a Kain…

Vorador (whispering): Kain, it is Vorador. You must reach the Bishop’s manor at the other end of the city. Only he can give you passage into the Sarafan Keep. The curfew has set in, so be careful on the streets. The guards are looking for anyone suspicious, and they’ll attack you on sight.

Más adelante, Vorador aconseja a Kain un modo de entrar en el edificio…

Vorador (whispering): Kain, the Bishop’s manor is near. However, the Sarafan patrols have locked down all the streets. You may be able to trick them into opening the gates. Find the clock tower and ring its bell. The workers will think it time for their shift to change and will open the gates.

Llegando a la mansión del obispo, Kain observa a Marcus dirigirse a un centinela Sárafan…

Soldado Sárafan: We were told to be on the lookout for a vampire.

Marcus: You’re to kill him on sight.

Kain, una vez entro de la mansión, encuentra a uno de los sirvientes del obispo al que interroga…

Kain: You there! What’s your business here? Who are you?

Butler: I beg you, be merciful, good sir.

I am - I was - butler to the Bishop of Meridian. But the Sarafan, th… they’re inside now. I… I thought I would wait here.

Kain: Where are they?

Butler: They accused the Bishop of aiding the Vampire Resistance. They’re looking for proof. I beg of you, do not tell them where to find me. I will do anything.

Kain: Yes. You will. Tell me where to find the Bishop.

Butler: I… I can’t, I… I mean I don’t know.

Kain: Shall I ease your mind and tell you I am sent by Vorador for the Vampire Resistance. Or shall I simply tear out your throat and continue my search? I leave the decision to you.

Butler: The cathedral. He fled there. He thought he would be safe.

Kain: Holy ground will not deter his pursuer. Where is the cathedral?

Butler: To the northeast, but it won’t do you no good, you cannot enter without the proper authority.

Kain: I suggest you show me the way. Now.

Butler: Of course, sir. This way, sir. It is my pleasure to serve you. This tunnel will bring you again to the streets.

Kain: I thank you. Goodnight.

Siguiendo las indicaciones del mayordomo, Kain entra en la catedral y encuentra allí al obispo…

Kain: Greetings, old man. I assume that I address the Bishop of Meridian?

I seek information on gaining access to the Sarafan Keep. You are to give me passage inside. I am sent by Vorador.

Bishop: Aaaggghhh…

Kain: What ails you? Speak.

Marcus: He speaks only at my command.

Kain: What?

Marcus: You are too late, Kain. He is entirely in my power.

Kain: Release him and I may spare your life.

Marcus: I hold the cards now, Kain. Surrender yourself to me, or I will kill him.

Kain: What do I care for the life of some mortal? But the thought of killing you at last entices me. Tell me Marcus, do you truly believe you can stop me?

Marcus: Stay back. You cannot win. The Bishop will tell you nothing while he remains under my power, and you will never catch me.

Marcus huye perseguido por Kain. Finalmente, éste le da caza y comienza la pelea…

Tras derrotar a Marcus, Kain consigue apropiarse de su dote oscura. Después encuentra que el obispo que ha vuelto en sí…

Kain: Old man, do you live?

Bishop: Ah, yes. Yes I do. I must thank you for destroying that fiend. He… he robbed me of my mind.

Kain: He was a novice. Bishop, I require your help. Vorador has sent me to gain passage to the Sarafan Keep. One of our associates is held captive there.

Bishop: A fool’s errand, to enter the very maw of the beast. But yes, I will help you. I will take you there. I will show you the entrance.