Blood Omen 2

The Lower City

Umah: Well done, Kain. You have already proven your ingenuity in negotiating the Smuggler’s Den. Perhaps our leader was right about you after all.

Kain: Ah yes, the mysterious leader. Perhaps you will tell me now who he is.

Umah: I will not name him to you, for secrecy’s sake, but it is time that you two meet. You must go to Sanctuary, our headquarters. There you will find our leader.

Kain: Go here, go there. What do you take me for, your errand boy?

Umah: You are not a General now, Kain. You are not in a position to demand. Go to Sanctuary and await me there. My orders are to investigate the Industrial Quarter in the north of the city. I will join you at Sanctuary and bring anything I discover.

Kain: I need answers, girl. I want the Sarafan Lord!

Umah: As do we all, Kain - but the time must be ripe and you must be ready.

Kain: Do not make the mistake of underestimating me.

Umah: I don’t. You are our last hope. I will not let you be wasted by premature action.

Kain: Where then is this ‘Sanctuary’?

Umah: Nearby is the Red Raven pub. Speak with the tapster; she will tell you what to do.

Kain (vo): Why did I obey her? Why did I trust her, even for a moment? I had gone my own way, always.

But this time…

Umah: I was impressed by you today, Kain. Soon we will work together again and rid this plague from our land.

Adentrándose en la ciudad, Kain encuentra bloqueado su paso a la zona de los trabajadores…

Duncan: Restricted area. This passage is for night shift workers only.

Kain: I am the night shift.

Duncan: Then tell me, who do you work for?

Kain: I work for no man.

Duncan: Move along and stop wasting my time.

Kain: We’ll meet again. Soon.

Kain se adentra en los barrios y llega hasta la taberna que Umah le indicó…

Tapster: What can I get you?

Kain: Information. I was sent here by Umah. You have a message for me.

Tapster: I only know what they told me.

Kain: And just who are they?

Tapster: I don’t know, I promise it. It was dark - I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from. It was as if the night itself spoke to me.

It told me to give you the message ‘seek the vendor near the warehouse, for he has news for you’.

Kain: Is that all of it?

Tapster: No. If you tell that fool, Duncan, that you work for Duckets Traders, he’ll let you through the gate to the workers’ area.

Tras hablar con la tabernera, Kain se dirige hacia el humano que guarda el acceso de los trabajadores…

Duncan: I told you before. Workers only.

Kain: I work for Duckets Traders. Now, let me through.

Más adelante, encuentra a otro vigilante que guarda el camino al Santuario…

Humano: You need the password to enter.

Cerca de ahí, encuentra al vendedor que la tabernera le dijo…

Kain: Good evening, my friend.

Vendor: Can I help you, sir?

Kain: Umah sent me. We are to have words, you and I.

Vendor: Ah, you’re one of them, aren’t ya?

Kain: Whatever do you mean?

Vendor: Never mind. You’re looking for Sanctuary, then?

Kain: Correct.

Vendor: It’s hidden under the Blue Lady shop in the eastern part of the district. The guards have blocked most of the streets tonight, so it won’t be easy getting there.

The rooftops, back alleys and even the sewers are friends to those that wish to avoid attention. However, those that inhabit them may not be friends to you.

The first thing you’ll have to do is to get past that gateman down that alley. Give him the password ’evernight’. He’ll let you through.

Kain: My thanks.

Con el conocimiento de la contraseña, Kain regresa al puesto del anterior centinela…

Humano: Password?

Kain: Evernight.

Humano: Hold on.

Con el conocimiento de la contraseña, Kain regresa al puesto del anterior centinela…

Centinela Sárafan: What creature skulks there in the darkness? Step forth and die!

Tras cruzar el puesto de guardia, Kain llega a una plaza repleta de cadáveres. Allí encuentra a otro vampiro…

Sebastian: What poor soul has the misfortune of interrupting my feeding?

Kain: One who shares your thirst, and your curse.

Sebastian: Ah, a voice from the past. So the rumours are true, Kain walks Nosgoth again.

Kain: How do you know me, creature?

Sebastian: How I would love to dispatch you here and now, and yet, I am required elsewhere. Goodnight.

Kain: Wait!

Kain persigue al misterioso personaje…

Sebastian: How do you like my handiwork, Kain? It’s been a good night’s feeding.

Kain: You’re a sloppy butcher, vampire. You jeopardize your presence by such bloodletting.

Sebastian: But it isn’t my presence that’s in danger, Kain. It’s yours.

Kain: You serve the Sarafan, then?

Sebastian: I serve no one but myself. Ah, I’d forgotten how much I loathe your arrogant tone. It would be a pleasure to silence it for good. We shall meet again, soon enough.

Kain llega al santuario de la Cábala. Allí encuentra a Vorador…

Kain (vo): Vorador. The reformed sado-hedonist of Termogent Forest. I had met him once before in his new role of patriarch. I still knew not to trust him.

Kain: Ah yes. Who but the father of vampires would lead the resistance? I am honoured, Vorador.

Vorador: I need no false courtesies from you, Kain. We are allies only by necessity. But… you are welcome to Sanctuary.

Kain: It has not the splendour of your former castle, but I suppose it will have to do.

Vorador: It serves. But time is short. The Sarafan’s power grows by the day. Soon our every haven will be destroyed. We are facing extinction once again.

Kain: They thought once before they had destroyed us, yet you proved them wrong. You created a new race - something I could never do - and from that race, I had my army.

Vorador: Now we are divided -

  • and dying. Then rouse yourself. Make more of our kind.

Vorador: It takes time and energy to create a vampire. I have not the strength. No, as Umah told you, we must kill the Sarafan Lord. When he is dead, their power will crumble. You have come far already, Kain, and proven to be our greatest ally. We must plan our attack.

Soldado vampiro: Vorador!

Vorador: What is it?

Soldado vampiro: The worst has befallen, forgive me Sire. Umah has been taken!

Vorador: Taken? How?

Soldado vampiro: Umah was searching the main building in the Industrial Quarter as you asked. I stood guard outside. She Whispered to me that she had found something important.

Vorador: What was it?

Soldado vampiro: I do not know. Before she could tell me, she was discovered by Sarafan Knights. I went to help her but there were guards everywhere; I could not reach her. I heard them say she would be brought to the Sarafan Keep for public execution -

Vorador: No!

Soldado vampiro: Then the guards were upon me, and I was forced to flee. Forgive me, Vorador…

Kain: We need her information.

Vorador: We need to save her life, Kain.

Kain: Yes, of course. So, I am to rescue her, Sire?

Vorador: Our kind cannot approach the Keep. We will be instantly discovered. You have the power to disguise your presence, but the chief entrance to the Keep is far too heavily guarded. You must speak with the Bishop of Meridian.

Kain: A Bishop allies with us?

Vorador: The promise of immortality can be very persuasive for a Bishop whose faith in an afterlife is… wanting. The Bishop knows a secret entrance to the Sarafan Keep. You will find him in the Upper City. Tell him I sent you, and he will give you access to the Keep.

Kain: And if Umah is dead when I reach her?

Vorador: Then her discovery dies with her. And with it, our hope.

Go now Kain, and find the Bishop. Umah’s life depends on you, as do we all.