Blood Omen 2


Four hundred years after the nobleman Kain was cursed to walk the night as a vampire and centuries before Kain would rule the wasteland of Nosgoth with his lieutenant Raziel his path of conquest is stopped by a new enemy. The Pillars of Nosgoth lie in ruin vampires roam the land once again and the Legacy of Kain continues…

Kain (vo): From the shards of tattered dreams, I rose - unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake. And more revoltingly - alive. It was then I saw her, for the first time.

Umah: Good evening. We did not expect you to awaken so soon. Already you surprise us.

Kain (vo): My mind was in fragments like shattered glass.

Kain: Where am I? I… I don’t remember.

Umah: Yes. It was said your memory would be affected by your long slumber. That will pass, in time.

I am Umah, and I am here to help you. Know that your name is Kain, and you were once a power in the land.

Kain: I know my name. But my past - I remember fragments only.

Umah: That you awoke at all is a miracle. When we found you, there was but the barest thread of life left in you. We nurtured it, fed it, and now you rise and walk again.

Kain: And what is this place?

Umah: You are in the city of Meridian, capital of the land of Nosgoth, the land you once sought to conquer and rule.

Tell me, since you remember your name, do you also remember your nature?

Kain: Of course.

Umah: Then let me show you the future.

You have been asleep for two hundred years. In that time, this is what has become of Nosgoth.

Umah: You were a great general, commanding an army of vampires, but the powers you opposed were too strong for you. You were struck down, your armies defeated, scattered and destroyed. Everyone believed you to be dead.

Kain: Who defeated me?

Umah: The Sarafan. An army of fanatical humans sworn to eradicate all vampires from the world. A new leader brought them together, and wielding a new kind of magic - deadly to our kind - was able to destroy your army and kill most of the vampires. You were defeated in mortal combat by this leader, the Sarafan Lord.

But that is not the end of the story. Under the guise of protecting the land from the vampire menace, the Sarafan seized control of all of Nosgoth, and their rule is not kind. For two hundred years the Sarafan have enslaved the humans under their iron rule, and hunted down and destroyed every vampire they could find.

Kain: They have not succeeded, however.

Umah: Not yet, and now, with your help, it is our hope to crush the Sarafan and restore order to the city.

Kain: The natural order? Vampires preying upon humans?

Umah: Naturally.

Kain: You said ‘our hope’. Who are you?

Umah: We are the Cabal, the Vampire Resistance. We work to undermine the Sarafan at every turn. But we are losing. With the new magic they employ - the Glyph magic - they are able to find us and kill us. Our numbers are dwindling. Without help we will not survive.

We need you, Kain.

Kain: Of course you did not bring me back simply out of kindness. There must be a price.

Umah: We need you to help the Resistance. Our faces are known, they kill us on sight. But you are ancient history, long since dead and buried. You can go where we cannot. That gives us a small advantage.

Kain: How splendid for you. And why do you suppose I would do this? What is to be my reward - your eternal gratitude?

Umah: Have you changed so much? The Sarafan Lord defeated you. Don’t you want to kill him? When you have destroyed him, you can continue your ascent to power, restore your army and rule the land at last.

Does the lust for vengeance and power no longer stir you? Are you so dead?

Kain: I seem to remember that I played the pawn once before. It ended badly.

Umah: This time you will prevail. We are simply your allies, not your betrayers. What we want from you is open and plain, with no hidden paths.

If you succeed, so do we all.

Kain: Are you asking me to trust you?

Umah: We must trust one another. Together we can defeat the Sarafan Lord. Once he is dead, his order will collapse, mindless fools that they are. But there are dangers other than the Sarafan which must be overcome.

Kain: I care not for any dangers! They will fear me, do you hear? Tell me where to find the Sarafan Lord. I’ll have him buried within the hour!

Umah: Such arrogance. If it were so easy we would have done it ourselves, Kain. And you are far too weak to fight him yet. He is protected too, by other vampires.

Kain: Vampires in service to the Sarafan? Are they mad?

Umah: They value their lives. While they serve the Sarafan Lord, he lets them live.

Kain: I will enjoy destroying them.

Umah: You would be lucky to survive one such encounter until you grow stronger. But should you prevail, then you will be able to absorb their veins and thus gain new abilities. To our kind, these are called the Dark Gifts.

Kain: I look forward to meeting these traitors to our kind.

Kain siente un fuerte dolor en el pecho…

Kain (vo): My senses spun, my body ached. Weakness overcame me.

Umah: You have the thirst upon you. Come, vampire. It is time for you to feed.

Kain: Yes.